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  1. i dont like psytrance....i like uppsala trance! psytrance is tracks :1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 uppsala trance is track : 3 anyway the cd is ages beyond every release i ever heard the last 10 years in this genre and everyone who like psytrance and fullon must have it. for the ones ,if there are any, who like uppsala trance wait for the schlab ka sol cd...it will be a massacre muahahaha:))))
  2. ThEsE rOmAnS aRe cRaZY o/O
  3. no its not spread of course, i had the pleasure to listen to a lot of ka sol tracks when i was in sweden and meet with Christer..and ok i was a bit wrong to say the word commercial...ka sol cannot be commercial...its just that the tracks on suntrip cd is just very light stuff compared to other tracks that he has done and hopefully he will release some of them on the schlab cd..but again he has done even darker and harder tracks which he will never release or even play at a party..and i m sure you know that...ka sol is my favourite artist for various tracks he have done and for the kind of person he is and i wish him the best for both releases.. hail from Greece
  4. 10 years ago i was 14 and i wasnt really much into music..sometimes i used to listen to some metalica ,iron maiden,prodigy crap in parties at school with meatballs and chips:)) and ..then around 96-97 i think, i came across to some israeli goa trance music and it took my attention..although it sounded cheesy and fluffy it was something completely new and alien for my ears so for the next couple of years i wasted lot of money buying cds.but then i got bored because most of that goa stuff didnt really have much spirit..so i sold all of these cds...then i came across black metal genre and i was totally stuck with those raw guitars ..the years passed and one day around year 2000 i open the radio and i find by luck a station play some goatrance...but this wasnt really goa trance..it was darker harder and with more intense and crazy basslines..i think it was some early parasense,droidsect stuff and it sounded wicked!!the once dead for me goatrance genre suddenly came back to life with the form of psytrance...unlike goa emotional eastern melodies that stuff could blow your head into 1000 pieces...so for the next 2 years i continue to listen fanaticaly black metal and secondly that parasense style russian stuff..also that period i went to my first parties. the year 2002 i started using internet and accidentaly i come across some early schlabbaduerst releases..i listen tracks like ka sol - waspnest,flying carpet,pricken botfb - demonoizer ....my god i say where the hell comes this music from?then i bought all the schlab releases and whenever i listened to them i felt i needed to go for a lobotomy:))the i combined it with acid and there was no return!!!once you listen to that stuff,you can never forget it and since then schlabbaduerst music is the 95% of all the electronic music i listen nowadays...and whenever i try to listen to some other psy project it sounds very plain cheesy and conservative compared to schlab.also i used to like some very early derango,logic bomb stuff..i hope schlab crew never become commercial and make music for money..i think the psychedelic spirit is alive and it will always be in the hearts of some individuals... Hail schlabbaduerst records!!!
  5. ka sol cd in suntrip is just ok and in my opinion 7/10 tracks sound commercial and goa,but thats ok ! a label has to make some money to continue to exist ...but for those who want to experience the true Uppsala old dark and hard schlabbaduerst sound wait for his album in schlab records,,,this will be a cd people will listen for years and years and years.....i advice listen to it when fucked up on hard psychoactives and many weird things can happen ahh best combination sooo, gOod lUck Mr LoOmStROoM
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