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Lara Starchild

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Everything posted by Lara Starchild

  1. We are searching for someone who would like to sell us TWO tickets for the Boom Festival. Get in touch, preferably by email, at this address: spectral_sun@earth-intelligence.org Thank you!
  2. Hey you portugese ppl! How much is the flight from Portugal mainland to the Azores??
  3. New to UWOG, a kicking line-up!!! Live: Main Floor: The Commercial Hippies (Nano Records) SA Protoculture (Nano Records) SA Hydrophonic (Nano Records) SA The Electric Ant (Nano Records) UK Beat Bizarre (Iboga) Germany Behind Blue Eyes (Iboga) Denmark BLT (Iboga) Israel Tron (Liquid Records) Mexico Pion (Liquid and Solid) Serbia Chill-Out Floor: Phutureprimitive (Native State Records) USA Kukan Dub Lagan (Candyflip Records) Israel Planet Boelex (Monotonik) Finland Musica Ex Machina Croatia DJ´s: Main Floor: Ans (Nano Records) UK Regan (Nano Records) SA Nate (Nano Records) SA Chesh (Nano Records) SA Banel (Iboga) Denmark Yuli (Iboga) Israel TV (Oxygen Records) Czech Slater (Tribal Vision Records) Czech Shawnodese (Mind Funk) Holland/Venezuela Jan (B.M.R.) Switzerland Zvuk Ahimze (Audiodevlish) Slovenia Redax Mental (Interzone) Slovenia Kanc (Soundmute) Serbia Njax (Tribalizer) Croatia Hip (Tribalizer) Croatia Sekkt (Tribalizer) Croatia Tishma (SPK) Serbia Ganesh (Submedia) Croatia Richma (Chilli Bar) Croatia Twisted Twins (Soundforms) Croatia Nesho (Mars Room) Croatia Alen (Mars Room) Croatia Val Vashar (Vashar) Croatia Kunoichi aka Semra (Psychoactive) Bosnia and Herzegovina + More TBC Chill-Out Floor: Banel (Iboga) Denmark Nanda (Chilosophy Music) Chile Slater (Tribal Vision Records) Czech Dovla (Sofa Beats) Croatia Val Vashar (Vashar) Croatia Richma (Chilli Bar) Croatia Pipal (Chilli Bar) Croatia Deva (Radio Student) Croatia Indra (Radio Student) Croatia Batis (Radio Student) Croatia Om Kudjo (HUKnet) Croatia
  4. Skazi scares me off
  5. Your forum has been hacked! You think you will solve this???
  6. Was Skazi there ey? Or what do you mean??? I don´t remember the line-up so much, but I do like the progressive acts they had... But of corse I like some wired swedish foresty tunes... =) it´s my home country you know...
  7. This pics look wonderful! =) Too bad only that it didn´t came so many ppl... Nice with a smaller festival tough... but around 500-1000 ppl would be great!
  8. Sad to hear... Was it commersial in 2003? In what way? I never came there... :/
  9. http://forum.isratrance.com/viewtopic.php/.../72889/forum/53 Anyone from Greece who knows if this rumour is true? Will there be a Samthraki Gathering from the original Samothraki Dance festival crew 2007?
  10. I was sorry to see that your website is down! :´(
  11. It seems to be happening anyway, check the isratrance forum Soulclipse thread: http://forum.isratrance.com/viewtopic.php/...um/53/start/540
  12. So... where is the festival? it´s a big country...
  13. You want some more swedish sets???
  14. Ah how nice if you all came to Sweden!
  15. Yep... more info will be up later... It´s in the middle of Sweden 3 1/2 hours drive from Malmoe in the south... I don´t really remember the ticket price, but last year was not expensive... maybe 15 - 30 € but I really don´t remember... It´s usaually 2-3 days...
  16. I´ll make sure he´ll gets the mail if you send me one! =) edit: I know tough that he get´s A LOT of requests...
  17. Yep many beautiful forests over here... =) I think the deco is from some austrian or swiss guy... don´t remember exactly, but I can ask the organizer...
  18. For pics of previous events: http://www.pannlampa.org/partyimages/?album=dmhim05_pierre http://www.pannlampa.org/partyimages/?albu...3355.JPG&page=0
  19. Yeah, why not head for Sweden... =) This is a growing, but still rather small festival, 500 ppl + : http://www.pannlampa.org/ "det mystiska hålet i marken" = the mystic hole in the ground
  20. Anybody who has experience from previous Underwater Overground... ? http://www.underwater-overground.com/ I´ve seen some pics but they wern´t too good, but then again, you can´t see everything in one set of pics... so now I´m asking if you who been to the previos festivals have any stories, pics and so on... The labels involved this year sure looks good... =) And about Samothraki... any rumours?? I know there was some kind of festival there last year, but not with the samothraki dance festival crew, anyone from Greece (or elsewhere) who has any idieas about this (and next) year??? I actually planned of going all years they held it before, but got always stuck on the money issue... Well, ideas, experiences, photos... all is welcome... =)
  21. Yeah, you´re right there... We do need something nice like psynews-y kind a thingy in sweden, a place with all nice och weird ppl really into music! =) Gott initiativ! Svenne-röj!
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