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Spiritual Carnage

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Everything posted by Spiritual Carnage

  1. Welcome We'd sure like to help but I think you should search for similar topics first - there are already several "new to psy/goa" and "recommend me some psy/goa" topics.
  2. Very nice, especially the Transwave. Funny, I actually got Electric universe - Stardiver yesterday as well
  3. Nah 20 euros. And it's NM btw.
  4. Green Nuns of the Revolution - Ring of Fire ?
  5. Just got: Various-Infinite-Excursions-2-Sonic-Hallucinations
  6. Ok, I tell: Slinky Wizard - "The Wizard (Koxbox remix)" See, the clue in the sample is the magician.. And it's truly a great track btw. Anyway, your question is up.
  7. Guitar->pod input, pod output left/right->soundcard 1/4 left/right unbalanced inputs. Don't bother with the midi ins/outs when recording. They are for synchronizing modulation speeds and such and don't carry audio.
  8. I'm very interested and I have several stuff from your wantlist. I'll pm ya when I got a proper proposal. Just a question: would vinyl do as well or only cd's?
  9. I'm pretty sure that's the one I'm thinking of. Thanks.
  10. Sundog - "Touch the Sun" One of the best tracks evargh
  11. One of the coolest and most original goa trance tracks ever (and with Egypt style melodies included) is: Sundog - "Touch the Sun" When it comes to Indian style tracks I can only think of Shiva Chandra's... Can't remember the track name though :/ ("Indian Spirit" or something? someone help here please) You already got some fine recommendations to goa trance but I to have to add this comp to your musts: V/A - Dragonfly - Order Odonata - "The Technical Use Of Sound In Magick" Very melodic and beautiful songs there
  12. Question: Which track has a voice sample from Twin Peaks? Hint: It's a remix version of a quite famous track Another clue: the Twin Peaks voice sample goes: "Through the darkness of future pasts/ the magician longs to see/ fire walk with me" And there's a clue to the track I'm looking for inside... The original track was released in 94 the remix in 97...
  13. Mayhem - "The Studio Experience" for app. 85euro. But that's a 4xLP album + a 7" box... Beside more boxsets (Joy Division, Doors, Cure, Martin Hall), I bought: Scatterbrain - "Strip the Future" (NEULAND) EP for 40euro.
  14. It is incorrect, sorry. Another clue later...
  15. Another clue: the Twin Peaks voice sample goes: "Through the darkness of future pasts/ the magician longs to see/ fire walk with me" And there's a clue to the track I'm looking for inside...
  16. Lol me neither, but I guess it could refer to the sound quality.
  17. 1+2: You're right. Sorry. I haven't really been following the thread until now. 3: Nope (if this and other tracks should have Twin Peaks samples I don't know them). Hint: It's a remix version of a quite famous track
  18. Answer: Son Kite - "The Stars Within Us" Question: Which track has a voice sample from Twin Peaks?
  19. Ye I know that's uncertain.. but I choose to believe that "Ambientnun" is Matt He posted this, same vid but with the proper ending and a link to the label they've released some ambient on. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4Fzg0SQy0I...re=channel_page Peoples interest could be a motivation to take up the work again However, they did not promise anyone but themselves they'd do it.. So all in all my expectations are not too high but it could be so fucking great with a new Nuns album that I consider it worth trying to push it on.
  20. Here is what Matt from the Nuns stated as a comment on their "Rock Bitch" video on Youtube (9 months ago but still): "Promised ourselves we'd make a new album if the video got viewed 100,00 times ! matt C ( The nuns )" So let's take him at his word... Go watch the vid and tell your friends to do the same. So far it has 85.138 views.
  21. Nope Hint: It's the instrumental intro from "Prayers for Rain" and it's also used as intro and again later in the track you're are supposed to answer. If no one has guessed it at 22pm I'll answer it myself and put a new Q.
  22. We may have Collin to confirm that someday. Anyhow, which track and by who contains samples from the Cure song "Prayers for Rain"?
  23. Yeah I did
  24. Unconscious Collective - "Flourostani Transcendance" ? (best track evargh) (edit: unless my answer is wrong, I'm not sure it says "Botslovia")
  25. Me too. I was damn poor back then so I could only buy a few cds a year and hope I'd get some for birthday and christmas.
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