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Everything posted by prog4all

  1. I know this coffeeshop, not far from the red light district and damrak. It's funny, living here my whole life I never heard psytrance in a coffeeshop, I wish i did though. I heard it many times in smartshops where they sell ingredients and things a bit stronger than weed. kliksan: I can only I agree with you. At my first psytrance party people were extremely friendly and tolerant. This is also part of the reason I like this scene and the mentality of the majority of the people. Also is took me a whole year after realizing there is so many good progressive. Wish I found out earlier!
  2. Artist: E-Clip Title: Troublemaker EP Label: Iono Music Date: 01-10-2012 Style: Progressive Trance Tracklist: 1. Troublemaker (11:06) 2. Overload (07:10) I don't think E-Clip needs an introduction. If you are not familiar with his work, I suggest listening to his Shuma album which contains some great tracks. A review of this can also be found here at Psynews. Not long after this album he released some amazing work and in my opinion this EP is a perfect example. He stayed loyal to the E-Clip style, while introducing some refreshing sounds. Both of these tracks are killers. Great listening to at home but I'm positive this could really rock a dance floor. There's a lot of energy in this EP and it's fair to say that he went all the way. Powerful baselines and great build-ups are just some of the elements we are used to from this Serbian producer. Everything we know him for is put in to this EP and it seems like there isn't a thing missing. Overload has to be my favorite, it's energetic but constant at the same time. You can really notice the track getting heavier and heavier as it goes a long. It's being built up nicely, better than spilling everything in one go. This really makes you appreciate the progressive trance format. It gives you so much room to go further and further, while being able to make a playful progressing story of the song. Terrific job on this one! Listen to some samples here: http://soundcloud.co...roublemaker-ep/ Links: http://www.beatport....aker-e-p/969484 http://www.psyshop.c.../inm1dw085.html http://soundcloud.com/e-clip https://www.facebook.com/eclipmusic
  3. Artist: Kopel Title: Flavor EP Label: Blue Tunes Records Date: 19-09-2011 Style: Progressive Trance Tracklist: 1. Amaretto (08:32) 2. Coconut (07:29) Here's a short 2 track EP from Kopel, a great producer from Israel. Some of his work worth mentioning are the remixes for Ritmo's 'Music From Heaven' and 'Unannounced Portal' from Liquid Soul. Not to forget, the Unreal EP that contains some good tracks as well. Now it's time for the Flavor EP, which I enjoyed a lot. When listening to these tracks you could say this fits right in with the Blue Tunes style. It could be described as something in between the Iono and the Spin Twist style. It's very bouncy with a nice groove to it. Seems like everything is just right, not to light and not to heavy either. Also it has this nice offbeat vibe to it, but he didn't go overboard with this either. My favorite track from this EP is Coconut. It's just a little more bouncy and playful. I truly enjoyed this one and to be honest I can't stop moving to this track. What can I say, there's a great drive in this song and I expect a lot of listening before this could bore me. Great work! Links: http://www.beatport....e/flavor/444840 http://www.psyshop.c.../btr1dw046.html http://soundcloud.com/kopelmusic http://www.facebook.com/kopelmusic
  4. The fact that I find her hot, has nothing to do with her being famous. Because I absolutely hate her music with a passion. But Katy Perry is really a walking piece of beauty.
  5. Hmm, we should ask a talking parrot about this.
  6. Most of us are listening to psytrance for a little while now and are listening to many different kinds of artist. What was the first stuff you listened to when just getting in to psytrance? This could be getting albums from friends, seeing a good live act for the first time at a party etc. And also, do you still listen to this stuff now? For me it started of with Hallucinogen, some X Dream and also Atmos. I remember the first full-on stuff I listen to was Ital, Zen Mechanics, Headroom, AMD and some others. Most of these I still listen to, but not as often as before. So with what type of psytrance related music did you start of? Btw, excuse me if theres already a topic like this.
  7. Hope I didn't slip in front somebody this time. If so, sorry! @ Depths, this is more my type of stuff! Very nice listening to, gave me a relaxing feeling and has good drive in it. Hypnotic stuff! 9/10. @ Jisnegro: This is the type of stuff you have to listen to from the beginning, in order to catch the vibe. Nice song! 8/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbsttNbOoAw
  8. Not bad at all, reminds me of the oldskool goa put in to a new jacket, hard to describe. At a certain point i found it repetitive but then round 3:47 it gets good. Fun listening to. 7/10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8e6Z8eAE590
  9. I think it's 'Liquid Soul - Perfect Day (Aquafeel remix)'.
  10. Nice one, Vertical Mode indeed has some good stuff, there track Deep Vibration for instance is just perfect. My pick would be: Zyce & NOK - Wonderland (Unseen Dimension remix). Besides being perfectly (re)mixed) his track is such a full story! Also Motion Drive - Heart Of The Sun is just great!
  11. Very nice work with this release! Actually I am following you on soundcloud already. Enjoyed a lot of mixes, great track selection. I remember listening to the 'A to Z' ones a bunch. Some other good artist I came across recently: Osher, Kopel, Yotopia,
  12. What is not true? A lot of people who listen to this music still go to parties. I agree that this doesn't go for everyone but in my opinion there are still a lot of people partying that like psytrance. This is proven once again at festivals and bigger parties. It might not be the music style that is represented the most at the moment, but I don't see how most people don't go to psytrance parties anymore. It changes with the generation and so does the type of music, it keeps evolving.
  13. This is very interesting, always wondered it. I have a cat for many years and he doesn't seem to mind the music at all. In fact, when I'm sitting very close to my speakers he doesn't mind coming over. I must say that I don't put the music really loud (also because of the neighbors). I think we can call animals much more open minded than the average person today. Most people outside the psytrance scene don't get in to this music very easily. And from what I experienced animals have no problem listening to it.
  14. Yes, for sure. Also in all sub genres from psytrance, there are tracks that sound really psychedelic. It just really depends on the song. These days there are not just sub genres, you even have sub genres from sub genres: Morning full on, night full on, melodic progressive, off beat progressive etc. And in the future this will only become more and more. I think this is good for everyone as there is much more choice.
  15. Artist: Odiseo Title: Fenix EP Label: Spin Twist Records Date: 25-10-2011 Style: Progressive Trance Tracklist: 1. Api (06:16) 2. Fenix (06:52) It didn't take me long to find out that I absolutely love this EP! It's one on the lighter side of progressive and It has this offbeat touch to it, typical Spin Twist Records. If you can dig this style, you will probably enjoy this release a lot. Another thing I love is the perfectly matching voice sample in the 'Api' track: 'There is something you need to know about progressive music. It makes your life much better!' I'm not making this up, I can proudly say I have noticed it throughout my life and this song proves it once again. If you don't believe me just go listen to this EP and you will notice it soon enough. 'Fenix' is the same story as 'Api', both tracks have such a slick and crispy feeling to it, that while I'm listening I just don't want it to end. What more can I say, Odiseo did a great job if you ask me. Really living up to the other stuff he produced. Links: http://www.beatport....fenix-ep/689285 http://www.spintwist.de/ http://soundcloud.com/odiseo http://www.facebook.com/Odiseomusic
  16. Artist: Liftshift Title: Full Cycle EP Label: Neurobiotic Records Date: 24-01-2011 Style: Progressive Psytrance Tracklist: 1. Ritual Energy (08:49) 2. Web Of Life (07:08) 3. Full Cycle (09:25) This EP is a nice one, with a lot of energy in each track. Ritual Energy is a perfect example and I'm not just saying that because of the name. The opening track shows that this release starts of very powerful and is well thought about. It's a very unique style, much different to a lot of other stuff I listened to. This Dutch producer represents a style that is somewhere in between progressive and full-on. It's definitely a fun experience listening to and the second track, Web Of Life, is not bad either. I must say, he set the standards pretty high with the first one so I can't say it's my favorite. It's like Ritual Energy has more of a story to tell during the song than this one. However, I am very happy he saved the best for last. Full Cycle is ultimate perfection in my opinion and it can't be a coincidence that he named this EP after it. He thought about everything, nice build-ups, good effects and not to forget a warm feeling left with the listener. Just everything about it makes me want to replay this track several times. I have got to say this is very promising for the future. After listening to all of this I am very excited and curious to see what ells this guy is gonna release. Also, it might be nice to know that the full EP can be listened to on soundcloud and it can be purchased there as well. Links: http://www.beatport....ll-cycle/322111 http://www.sourcecode.nu/ http://soundcloud.com/liftshift http://www.facebook.com/Liftshift
  17. Artist: Ecliptic Title: On A Ledge EP Label: Undergroove Music Date: 19-03-2012 Style: Progressive Trance Tracklist: 1. Ecliptic & Odiseo - On A Ledge (06:43) 2. Ecliptic & Tron - Even More Power (07:48) I have been listening to Ecliptic for a while and there style of music is extremely addicting! The reason I say music, is because this duo has mastered progressive trance, progressive house and tech-house. The last 2 with the project names 'Ruls' and 'Navarro'. It doesn't happen to often that I come across an artist where I like all there different kind of music projects and most of there albums. This is one of them cases and I can proudly say that I love this On A Ledge album as well. Both tracks are a bit on the lighter side and have a great flow going on. On A Ledge is a collaboration between Ecliptic and Odiseo, another great Mexican artist. I pretty much like all there collaborations so far and there's not a single thing wrong with this one either. It has a nice smooth vibe to it. Even More Power also has this amazing groove, making it very entertaining to listen to. Ecliptic most of the time has these slight twisting turns in there tracks that go on during the whole song. Kind of hard to explain but it's definitely an original approach. It's one of the reasons that I like there other projects, because somehow it has that same fresh twisted touch to it. So to make things short, this EP is definitely worth buying if you can dig this style. 2 tracks, but that's ok. I much rather hear 2 really good ones, then a bunch of average sounding tracks that don't hold my attention all the way. Links: http://www.beatport....-a-ledge/877922 http://www.undergroo...ic-odiseo-tron/ http://soundcloud.com/ecliptic http://www.facebook....nd/113777663706
  18. Artist: Various Title: Eternal Symphony (Compiled by Djane Betty) Label: TesseracTstudio Records Date: 06-03-2012 Style: Progressive Trance Tracklist: 1. Vertex - Second Element 2. Djane Betty & Funky Dragon - Behind You 3. Orison - Mutation 4. Nerso & Zyce - Force Of Existence 5. Lyctum - Consciousness 6. Funky Dragon - Dreamer 7. Relativ - Universal 8. Zyce & Funky Dragon - Peacemaker 9. E-Clip - Capital Distress 10. Zyce & Flegma - Shades Of Gray Judging from the names on this tracklist alone, this has to be a damn good release. I am always used to high quality progressive when it comes to the guys from the Serbian label TesseracTstudio. So I was very curious to see if they could live up to my expectations. I started of with Vertex (also known as Zyce). It's an easy going track and perfect to start of this compilation. Enjoyed it! Next is Djane Betty & Funky Dragon. After some spiritual-like voices in the beginning, the track gets very energetic with a powerful baseline to got with it. It's ok, but not my favorite track of all. Then after hearing Orison's Mutation, things get extremely interesting. I never heard of this project before and I believe Zyce & Flegma are behind it. Very powerful again and I know this would work just fine on the dance floor. Still these guys didn't get rid of the warm melodic sounds they represent on there other projects and I'm very happy about this. Great stuff! I think most of us know the great hypnotic power of Nerso & Zyce. Well this track is no different and it's time to get back in to the floating trance mode. Halfway you just want to close your eyes and drift of, perfect stuff! They have released a number of amazing tracks together and I think they can be very proud of this one. Consciousness by Lyctum is probably one of my favorite songs of all time when it comes to psychedelic progressive trance. It's almost like it's existing out of heavy pads instead of your regular baseline. Seriously, what a great bouncer this is. Everyone should keep his eyes out for Lyctum, another fantastic act from Belgrade. Just 5 tracks done so far and I'm already very happy with what I've been hearing. Funky Dragon's Dreamer is a nice one as well. Much different compared to the last track but Funky Dragon keeps things interesting enough for me to like it. Universal from Relativ is my favorite track from this release, without any doubt. I don't think I ever heard a track this powerful and it just takes you higher and higher. During the second half of the song it explodes. When I hear this I just feel like stomping the ground at a well filled dance floor. This is truly amazing! Next is Zyce & Funky Dragon, who take over with Peacemaker. These guys already released a remix album of there Serpent track and it was a great success. They did a brilliant job then and they did a brilliant job now. A little lighter than the tracks of Lyctum and Relativ for example, but this one is telling a small story once again. Funky Dragon took care of the groove and Zyce made sure of a very hypnotic vibe. Very nice and at the end of the song they take it even further. When seeing E-Clip's name of the list, you expect high energy immediately and he definitely doesn't let you down. He couldn't be missing in this release and he really takes care of this track in a powerful way. To finally end this compilation in style and bring things down a little, Zyce & Flegma's Shades Of Gray works just fine. Another floater with deep bass lines and matching background effects. These guys really know what trance is all about. If your searching for the psychedelic aspect in progressive trance, this release is what your looking for. TesseracTstudio did a terrific job, taking it to the next level for sure. It's a perfect balance between the relaxing melodic side and the stronger aggressive side of this type of trance. Probobly one of the best compilations I came across in 2012. Links: http://www.beatport....symphony/873886 http://www.psyshop.c.../tes1cd012.html http://www.tesseractstudio.org
  19. Headroom - Artelligent is indeed a very good release! Some of my favorite full on albums: Ital - The World Of Spirit Plants Ital - Higher Source Zen Mechanics - Holy Cities Zen Mechanics - Re-Modified Patchbay & Ital - Southern Cross Sonic Species - Machine Terra EP Sonic Species - Unleash The Beat AMD - Lucky 7s EP Journey - Through The Mirror Hyperflex & Waterphonics - Love Is All
  20. Marijuana, just about every day. It gives me a relaxing feeling and makes my day much more interesting. From time to time I do LSD. I like to do it when I have a week of, have a bunch of time on my hands and when I'm at a party with non-commercial music. I don't do it very often but when I do, I really enjoy it. Some of the main reasons for using these type of things is the fact that music sounds SO MUCH better when stoned or tripping! I'm pretty sure that's a key reason as to why I'm smoking so long. Sometimes I have heard a song a bunch of times sober, listen to it on LSD and suddenly I realize different things about the song I didn't even realize before. I believe it can alter my consciousness and sometimes when you are sober, you are not conscious about a bunch of things that come in to perspective when on LSD. And sometimes smaller things come in perspective with weed also.
  21. Motion Drive - Dreamcatcher
  22. Artist: NOK & Ritmo Title: Multistop Remixes Label: Blue Tunes Records Date: 10-11-2009 Style: Progressive Trance Tracklist: 1. NOK & Ritmo – Multistop (Original Mix) 2. NOK & Ritmo – Multistop (E-Clip Remix) 3. NOK & Ritmo – Multistop (Ectima Remix) 4. NOK & Ritmo – Multistop (Flegma & Nerso Remix) 5. NOK & Ritmo – Multistop (Zyce Remix) 6. NOK & Ritmo – Multistop (Sven Snug Remix) 7. NOK & Ritmo – Multistop (Aerospace & Emotive Remix) So in case you don't know the original, it's absolutely amazing! The first time i heard the Multistop track, I fell in love with it. It sounds smooth and fresh. If you were to show someone an example of progressive trance, that would be it. Very suitable for in the morning time. Not much later I discovered an entire remix album, remixed by the leading artist of the progressive scene. Just imagine how excited I was for this one. When you think things can't get much better, E-Clip comes in. He applied his powerful sound to this song, making the baseline heavy while having echoing melodic background effects. It's the typical E-Clip stuff, he always knows how to make things just a little more interesting. One of my favorite remixes. Next is Ectima, that represents a sort of tech progressive sound. This duo exist out of Zyce and Flegma, pioneers in the progressive scene.They did it once again, making the track much different formed in to the Ectima style. It can be described as much darker with a different approach on handling the bas. It works just fine and it's nice to see what kind of things you can do with one track. Flegma & Nerso's turn! I would have to say that together with E-Clip's remix this has to be my favorite. The track is way more melodic and they have created a perfect balance between the smooth feeling of the original track and the hypnotic and atmospheric sounds they are bringing in. If theres a song that can bring me in to a trance state so to say, it's this one for sure. Just perfect! Well if someone knows how to create melodic sounds, it should be Zyce. This guy made me float away and drift of that many times, it should be illegal. I must say though, I have listened to better tracks of him then this one. Still there's not much wrong with it. Not so heavy as the last tracks, but a lighter take on things can't hurt either. Sven Snug's version is much different than the original. A bit more of a playful approach I would say, but it works and I'm drifted away just as easily. Nothing wrong with this remix. Last is Aerospace & Emotive and it's surprising that again the song takes a total different turn. Almost like the original track was meant to be remixed after hearing all of this. This version is not my favorite but it works fine. Serbia has a fair share in this release and those guys almost never let me down. Highly recommended! Links: http://www.beatport....-remixes/201230 http://www.bluetunes-records.com
  23. Great release, I have listened to the Into The Vibe track a bunch of times, perfect! That's the best track of all in my opinion. Synesthetic has some great work, love there style.
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