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Paul Eye

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Everything posted by Paul Eye

  1. Episode 10, guest mix selected by Fuluf:
  2. Episode 8, guest mix selected by Kudjo:
  3. So...after being nothing short of mesmerized by Aleah's posthumously released solo album this year, I then discovered she also was the vocalist for the Finnish/Swedish band Trees Of Eternity. Dark, beautiful, tragic, haunting, and a dozen related adjctives of praise for this album https://treesofeternity.bandcamp.com/album/hour-of-the-nightingale
  4. Now available on various streaming platforms too https://fanlink.to/d9DkPortalmechanics
  5. Something from Koxbox - The Scanner perhaps? I haven't actually heard the album but remembered that it has an orange cover XD
  6. Wow, quite a time frame to ask for suggestions from the past 4-5 years Anyway, some quick suggestions: Proxeeus - Non-Euclidean Geometry (one of the best goa trance albums of the past 2 decades, yes, seriously) Morphic Resonance - The City Of Moons and Perplexity GoaTree - Black Star Of The Death Ultimate Xperience - The Realm Of A New Dawn Goasia - Landed On Wrong Planet Triquetra - Ecstatic Planet VA - Fluorotronik Audialize - Starship Earth Remastered Denshi Danshi - Brain Chemistry Nervasystem - Brainradio Unknownium - Unknownium Oforia - Read More... Funny side note: going through my collection I realized that I haven't really bought/downloaded much goa/psy trance in the past few years...
  7. With great pride we present the inaugural release from UnityVerse Music, Portal Mechanics VA. A carefully selected entourage of sonic alchemists, each with their unique vision and abilities of frequency manipulation, have joined label founder Cosmic Touch on this quest deep into inner space. Together they conjure up a gateway into a new realm of psychedelic bass & downtempo music. Welcome to the UnityVerse. So that everyone has a chance to get the compilation, it is released as a name your price album and will remain so for the first week on Bandcamp. Tracklist: 1. Spaceship Earth - Frequency Shifters 2. Cosmic Touch - Zero Point 3. Aquiver - Olden Gem 4. MAOA - Psychic Fair 5. Psydraft - Dub Almighty 6. Wise Tree - Savasana 7. Cosmic Touch - Alter The Course 8. Shalohim - Bazinga 9. The Glitch Wizard - Moonsteppa 10. MettāKin - Calruithyne 11. Neon Jesus - Portal Mechanics (Full DJ Mix) Released November 5, 2020 https://unityversemusic.bandcamp.com/album/portal-mechanics-va
  8. Episode 6, guest mix selected by Chlorophil:
  9. And of course, early Aavepyörä albums up to Ötökkämanifesti were quite on the political/anarchist side of things.
  10. I know, the word "on" must have been a brain fart or something There, fixed XD
  11. And another compilation for the benefit of Tibet: https://www.discogs.com/Various-Tibet-A-Culture-In-Danger/release/1147228
  12. I actually have this on vinyl :O
  13. A similar but a bit longer text can be found on Banco de Gaia's album Last Train To Lhasa (both the original, and the 20th anniversary edition), so in a way that album could belong here too.
  15. This album has been pretty much on repeat the past few weeks: Available here: https://aleah-starbridge.bandcamp.com/album/aleah
  16. That's...not impossible at all :O
  17. Also the first few other compilations on T.R.N.C. were actual VA compilations, looks like in 1998 they turned into Ingmar Veeck solo "compilations"
  18. As the description on Discogs reads: "Goa trance series on T.R.N.C. Except for Vol. 1 and some exceptions on Vol. 3 all music is done by Ingmar Veeck." So the first one was an actual VA compilation, I have no idea what happened after that
  19. Looks like the last release on T.R.N.C. was in 2002, with a compilation of re-recycled tracks in 2011. Basically he was recycling the same batch of his tracks in different configurations from one compilation to the other. And as far as I've understood, he actually did write all the music himself. As for the music, I remember hearing some of his tracks years ago but unsurprisingly none of them left any kind of an impression, to put it *ahem* "diplomatically" XD As for being a scam or whatever, perhaps his Goa Trance series speaks volumes for itself...
  20. Here's some floating downtempo from last friday, recorded on location at Kaivohuone, Helsinki. It was a bit strange to see the club emptier than I've ever seen it before, but was also nice to see some people I haven't seen in ages, with parties being quite few and far between in these strange times Tracklist: ArmagedDance - Sky Ocean Germind - Bending Of Light Altitudes - Altitude II PhasePhour - Unpronounced Numbers Scion - Sky Ocean Androcell - Frog Pond Asura - Regenesis Scann-Tec - Phaeton Remains Solar Fields - We Are The Dream Sundial Aeon - Sleepy Tranquility Eat Static - The Gates...
  21. You didn't catch all the other blatantly obvious ripoffs of well known goa artists?
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