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Paul Eye

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Everything posted by Paul Eye

  1. Ingmar Veeck would like to have a word with you
  2. UnityVerse Music is a hybrid bass music and downtempo label / collective launched in September 2020 by Finnish producer Cosmic Touch. Psychonaut Central is a podcast showcasing the label's DJs and artists. 2 episodes are out now, with more following in the upcoming weeks. Episode 1, selected by Cosmic Touch:
  3. I've played Astral Projection and Derango in the same DJ set, one after the other Properly melodic fullon (meaning: as little cheese as possible) and modern goa trance go well hand in hand (yes, I've tried that) Forest from the more melodic end and goa trance from the darker end of the spectrum also go well hand in hand (yes, I've also tried that)
  4. Nice and easy on the eyes And now clicking "Mark site read" actually pops up a dialog box with "Are you sure you want to mark all content in the community as read?" instead of a slightly sinister plain white box with just an OK button XD
  5. Check your pm
  6. Thanks <3 This turned out to be my first and only outdoor gig this year. There "was" another one a few weeks later, but it was such a disaster that it doesn't count
  7. Now this is some fantastic news <3 Glad to see you're back in action
  8. And there's nothing that "might" be the issue. The levels of the tracks that went on the CDr were obviously altered post-mastering. What I'd like to know is who did this and most of all, why?
  9. Thanks for the set, once again <3
  10. It's certainly been a weird year, with my first outdoor gig of the year in the middle of August... This is my set from our traditional once a year hideaway goa trance beach party in Helsinki, Finland. It's been a few years since my last morning Aikahattu set, and certainly the first time in years I've played a purely newschool goa set Tracklist: InnerSpace - Mental Stream Liquid Flow - Chaotic Ephedra - Deep Inside Feelings Denshi-Danshi - Brain Chemistry Denshi-Danshi - Parallel Universe Celestial Intelligence - Crystal Gazer Ephedra - Neuro Stretch Hypnoxock - Doubling Time Stellar Force - Astral Dive PharaOm - Rainbow Project Hypnoxock - Gravitational Isolation Celestial Intelligence - Distorted Visions Ra & Menkalian - 12th Hour Ephedra - Flowing Into The Night Etnica - Microdrive (Hypnoxock Remix) Goasia - Yes, We Are
  11. The unfortunate side effect of this is that what used to be "the chillout" at psytrance parties has in recent years turned into "the alternative stage" with people playing mostly techno and/or house with some chill in the beginning and/or end, at least here in Finland it has mostly gone that way. It used to be that when I was too physically and/or mentally exhausted to be on the main floor, I could go to the chill and just relax and melt into the music, and I can't really do that much anymore :/
  12. Oh, I don't really hang much on social media anymore, so no surprise I missed that. Anyway, the only album I (unsurprisingly) don't own is Eyes Of Gaia, but £15 (the £12 price seems to be without VAT) for the WAV version is a bit steep.
  13. Thumbs up for doing this, but a little thumbs down for taking the beatport/junodownload etc approach to pricing lossless downloads higher than mp3 (and also charging more for wav than flac)
  14. Possibly. Radio might just have been the final death blow (and just for the record, it IS among my absolute favourite 90s albums)
  15. Just like goa trance died in 1998 when X-Dream released Radio
  16. Got the CDr about 2 weeks ago, but only this weekend I got around to actually ripping it. I noticed that the audio content is not the same in the Bandcamp download and on the CDr. On the CDr, the first and last tracks are louder (track 1 by about +1.7 dB, track 10 about +1 dB), and the other tracks are randomly quieter by around 2-3 dB. See the image here (upper is Bandcamp, lower is CDr) https://imgur.com/dwHcBsb Is this intentional, or a mistake? Nice album, nonetheless
  17. Please explain this to me (because I've heard similar praises from other people too). Yes, I know the track. Yes, I've danced to it. Yes, it's kinda good, but still it's far from being anything resembling a "masterpiece" (which is a word people keep throwing around too easily nowadays anyway, practically it doesn't even mean anything anymore).
  18. Of course, this one has some obvious MFG - Project Genesis vibes:
  19. Concerning X-Dream, unfortunately there isn't really anything else like their Radio album out there, or if there is, do let me know aswell Oh yes, Kadasarva - Steamagination comes quite close with its unique steam/cyberpunk aesthetics, but still it isn't Radio
  20. ................
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