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Paul Eye

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Everything posted by Paul Eye

  1. We've updated our Linktree with more services where you can get our album YouTube will be available sometimes later. https://linktr.ee/paintedinvoid
  2. So...a few weeks ago I played this rather odd DJ set at a party known from its previous editions as a cross-genre melting pot of artistic freedom. I played an improvised downtempo set, finishing what could remotely be called the "chillout" stage, and I had a few people question my sanity after I played this. Maybe the setting had something to do with it, maybe not, but this certainly is one of the most psychedelic sets I've ever played. Tracklist: Prometheus - Robot-O-Chan Proxeeus - Zar Chronos & OkoloSna - Marked Back (Zozh Mix) Staunch - The Menace Gus Till - Tomorrow Delta Takkra - The Encounter Argaman - InHarmonic Symphony Molokow - Polustus Grytgöl Painted In Void - Mountain Of Silence (Edit) Mauxuam - Extended Body (Tabberdabber Mix) Scion - Now Shpongle Static - Persepolis (Shpongle Static Mix) Shogo Buzz - The Chalice Of Storms The Algorithm - Fragmentation
  3. I still deeply regret selling my Talpa CDs some years ago, this will be a good chance to get them back. I'm still oldschool in that I'd like to have the CDs, but with prices ranging from 100€ to 500€ on Discogs, that's not even an option.
  4. Thankfully at least some of us know how to use the trim knobs on a DJ mixer
  5. So it's one guy's opinion on how goa "should" sound and to what rules it "needs to conform". Valid as his point of view, not as universal truth. I like my goa dark, aggressive, melodic, and fast, usually in that order of (un)importance, but you don't see me shouting at artists that don't fulfill those criteria to change their sound just to please me. Do whatever the fuck you want, there's always someone that loves or hates what you do. (I still secretly do wish more current artists would pick up the sadly underrepresented darker side of goa, I'd really need more material for my DJ sets and I doubt I'm the only one)
  6. Thanks My friend Pete did most of the music and sang all the vocals, took care of the big picture. I did the mix, played some synths and generally developed an unhealthy obsession for the smallest details Glad that you like it, and that we could provoke a reaction (because that's what music is supposed to do).
  7. Now also available of Spotify, Deezer, iTunes and Apple Music https://open.spotify.com/album/6552uqXraj6qUSBD9Db4zd https://www.deezer.com/album/133444442 https://music.apple.com/us/album/revolution-within/1500361884?uo=4&app=itunes https://music.apple.com/us/album/revolution-within/1500361884?uo=4&app=apple+music
  8. Still absolutely the best fullon track ever made: Also some good old Hypnoxock:
  9. I still have the CD. A good comp with just one weirdly misplaced track (Blue Planet Corporation among all that darker goa, uh what?) Personally I'd pick the Darshan track as my favourite on this comp.
  10. Close enough?
  11. I'd definitely like to come just to see Xenomorph live again, but unfortunately I can't afford it.
  12. As I said, I barely have anything uptempo from 2019. Those 4 are basically what I have (unless I missed something when going through my collection).
  13. I seriously doubt these re-releases count: Original is from 2005, Discogs. Original is from 1993 (!). Can't even find a newer re-release than 2001 on Discogs.
  14. Ah right, I knew I forgot something. Of course, add Proxeeus to the setup. --> Proxenomorphic Resonance I doubt I'd need anything else after this, for some time to come.
  15. 2019 definitely was a musical low for me (not necessarily in the sense of crap music being released, just personally). Especially on the uptempo side of things I barely have anything released last year :/ Downtempo: 1. Proxeeus - Celephaïs (Neogoa Records) 2. Bluetech - Holotrope (Behind The Sky Music) 3. Globular - Untangled Everything (Self Released) 4. Solar Fields - Origin #03 (Sidereal) 5. Tengri And Friends - A Course In Miracles (Orbita Parvati) 6. Pangani - Superdeep (Self Released) 7. VA - Ethneomystica Vol. 7 (Mystic Sound Records) 8. Distant System - Infinite Continuum (Self Released) 9. Sync24 - Omnious (Sidereal) 10. Ambientium - City Of Memories (Self Released) Uptempo: 1. Four Carry Nuts - Single Collection (Classic Goa Trax) 2. Ultimate Xperience - The Realm Of A New Dawn (Neogoa Records) 3. Morphic Resonance - Bad Dreamer EP (Self Released) 4. Ephedra / Proxeeus / Ohm Mind - Mad Fusion EP (Goa Madness Records)
  16. Xenomorphic Resonance Please?
  17. ................
  18. I'm definitely looking forward to the goa/forest hybrid compilation. I just hope you make it properly dark/furious as I was honestly a bit underwhelmed by the moon side of the 50th parallel compilation.
  19. Time to do at least something about my 2019 backlog, here's what I played at the summer solstice celebration on 22.06.2019. One of those rare sets where I combined some goa trance and actually good fullon into a sunshine filled hybrid. The recording isn't the best it could be, and I had to stitch it together from the live recording and the missing pieces I had to record at home (technical difficulties on location are to be blamed). Tracklist: Triquetra - Gate To Happiness Artha - Saikol Hypnoxock - Time Out (Chapapote Remix) Hypnoxock - Traffic (Xock Acid Remix) MFG - In Search Of Truth Denshi-Danshi - Parallel Universe Ocean Star Empire - Rain From Within Juno Reactor - Tokyo Dub (Tri-Force Remix) Imba & Ephedra - Digital Non-Sense Chi-A.D. - Transparent Sea Toxeed - Milky Way
  20. ................
  21. A few months ago I played a rather furious goa trance set at a small commune close to Helsinki. Fully improvised on the spot (as is the way I usually do things these days), I'm quite satisfied with how this set turned out. Unfortunately the recording itself is somewhat ruined by a limiter on the recording device, so expect some mangled dynamics here and there. Tracklist: Dreamweaver - Penta Hux Flux - Nemo Morphic Resonance - Bad Dreamer (Miranda Remix) GoaTree - Cell Connections Four Carry Nuts - Lucy (Male Mix) Morphic Resonance - The Creature Lunar Dawn - Blessings From Irij (Decadent Sympozium Remix) Toï Doï - Oxigen X-Dream - Freak Khetzal - Rosin Memories Proxeeus - Dagon Chaotic Synthetics - Nucleogenesis
  22. Thanks And yeah, a YouTube channel. Currently has almost as many few videos as subscribers XD edit: no more sets on YT
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