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About Adakt

  • Birthday 07/28/1986

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  1. Enter the state of self reflection, the dream state of the mind. Explore infinite awareness and timeless existence through this voyage of unknown destination. Step inside, we've been expecting You... https://soundcloud.com/adakt/dreamworld
  2. This is the demo I entered for the Lycans Meeting Contest. May the best mix win! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LYCANS MEETING DJ CONTEST LYCANTROP RECORDS TRANCEFORM YOURSELF mixed by adakT 1. Orestis - Paranoic Behavior - V.A Hypnotherapy 2. Orestis - Hypercube (RMX) - V.A Lycans Meeting 3. Dementia & MMC & Xaos - Shark Acid Cat - Unreleased Track 4. Polyphonia & Orestis - To Be - V.A Into The Void 5. White Wizard - Magnet - V.A Lycans Meeting 6. Jellyheadz - Cool & Dance - V.A Lycans Meeting 7. OSOM - WIMP - V.A Midnights Shared Blossom 8. OSOM - Xaggitarious - V.A Midnights Shared Blossom 9. Highko & Electrypnose & Kindzadza - Between the Cool and the Wicked - Unreleased Track 10.Babajelly - With the Service of Satan - V.A Weapons Of Mass Destruction 11.Karash - Magma - V.A Infinity Keepers 12.Megalopsy & Xikwri Neyrra - Shapeshifter - V.A The Void: Desintegration 13.Zik & Polyphonia - Left Right - V.A - Into The Void 14.Cerebral Factory - Nia Koir - V.A The Void: Desintegration Genre: Darkpsy Lenght: 61:18 Mins Size: 144Mb Format: MP3 320kbps Equipment Used: Toshiba Satellite DualCore M-Audio Fast Track Ultra M-Audio Axiom 25 Korg Kaoss Pad 2 Edifier R1200 Sennheiser 280Pro Ableton Live 7.3 Sony Soundforge 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD@ http://www.sendspace.com/file/mzo9xk /MIRROR/ http://www.sendspace.com/file/mcjsqv Voting news will be released shortly by the Lycan Crew, thanx for downloading! BOOM
  3. Para Halu is Para Halu, its not dark, its Psychedelic .. very very very Psychedelic.
  4. oh yes my friend, right ont da money, the only guys who would challenge such a thing would be Mozart himself and Jean Michelle Jarre. my list would be. Maynard from TOOL Kindzadza Jean Michelle Jarre Bob Marley Holeg Spies i would make killer muzik, any freakin kind!. and of course Posford, but everyone has mentioned him.
  5. Well im listening to this album right now, and just couldnt help to make a shout out for this fellah, im pleased to say you are a true composer of this fine art, thanx for makin this incredible album, ill hear it till the day I die, and I think thats what us musicians would want for all fans and listeners, so u accomplished your mission man, definitly impressive talent and a true inspiration. I recommend this to everyone who enjoys to take some peaceful lonely time in your day and just totally chill to some fine music, this will totally blow your mind away to another place. Once again, congratulations to this great artist. .try makin constructive criticism, not babble about commercial and "underground", the point of makin music is gettin to the most ammoutn of ears u can, expressin and transmiting your message to who ever outside in this world wants to listen to it and make a journey out of it, no matter if its a 12 year old kid or my grandma. The fact that this guy spent his time makin something creative, new, and not trying but MAKIN wonderful music, THAT my friends is something every artist must have in his mind and soul, iniciative to go beyond his limits and thoughts, thinkin outisde the box, and just doint whatever the fock he wants to, cuz if he can he will! do it, and no one can do anything about it, just whine about it in a forum like this... so come on just put your hands togetha and applaud to some nice sweet tunes, its music people! if its commercial or the most underground sh!t youve listened to, its still good, and thats a fact. and VERY good. peace
  6. it starts off with a pounding bassline, makin u think this one is gonna be a brainbasher. turns out to be a very progressive dark track, i think the speed is ok, there is no need to make it faster, faster dont mean darker. In my opinion the tracks is ok, i think u have ur mind into it very well, the track really transmits dark emotions, i just think u need a little variety, i think a bit more of percussion and some edgy psychedelic sounds will do the thing, with what u got goin on, its just a matter of a few touches more, and ur makin some fuckin dark shit.
  7. mmm well, i gotta say its not bad, not bad at all. the beggining maybe weird for us, cuz were used to hearing all the Requiem For A Dream tracks with a long intro, this one pounds in, the bassline is ok, nice kicks. the track is very psychedelish, carrousel fun!. It sounds like a very uplifting morning psy track. Gotta give 2 ya, nice job, i liked it. We all want some of this Juice! i gotta say i stick with the GMS track no the Oakenfold. and then Aya's remix
  8. feedback anyone?
  9. yea! the kid keeps gettin better every year so he will probably impress U. and uhh gutty is it? the fact that something is not "your style" and that YOU dont like it, doesnt mean it SUCKS! and that it deserves to be called SHIT, cuzzzzzz u kno the guy is big, people do pay to see him and people really! fuckin dance at his parties, so maybe HE doesnt suck, but anyway i respect ur opinion, u dont like it thats fine, have it ur way, i dont give. and im not 12, im 20. being 12 has nothing to do with havin bad taste on music, when i was 12 and i listened to mozart and learned about classical music, how being called 12 can be offensive to me?... what did u hear when u were 12? huh?..... peace.
  10. Adakt

    Mindshare (MoE)

    yea me 2
  11. shity full on, generic trance, wuteva. well produced album, to me this is blastin musik, it can make me dance anyday. awesome talent, fun album, bunch of tracks are dancefloor material. eskimo blastz dancefloors all ova!! peace.
  12. trippy shit!... keep that up, i dunno what all the mumblin is about, keep on tryin bru.
  13. Yo! this is a new mix, i bring you 3D, Divine Demented Destruction... for those who will download it, I hope ya like it... This set has different types of psytrance, beggining with a lil glowing morning style, moving on to some high power full on and then drilling in in and all the way in with hard pounding dark!. so those who wanna take the ride, click the link. http://www.innotechsa.com/AdakT/ (its an FTP, download the mp3 file) heres the tracklist. 1.SPACE BUDDHA - NIRVANA (SPACE BUDDHA - FULL CIRCLE 2006) 2.BIZARRE CONTACT - PEACHES ON THE MOON (V.A - THE BEACH 2006) 3.ESKIMO - CARNIVALIUM (ESKIMO - BALLOONATIC PART.2) 4.HYDRAGLYPH - ELECTRIC FEED (HYDRAGLYPH - KINETIC 2006) 5.TERRANOISE - MAXIMUM MAX (N/A) 6.SLUG - SECOND DAY REMIX (SLUG - ELEMENTAL 2006) 7.PHYX - 7TH SWORD (PHYX - KISS THE BLADE 2006) 8.BRETHREN - MOSHI MOSHI (V.A - MIDNIGHT STORM 2 2006) 9.THE NOMMOS - SHAMANS LAUGH (THE NOMMOS - PRIMAL MELTDOWN 2006) 10.CLAW - ELIINES EIMASTE (V.A - GREEKEDELIA 2006) 11.HORROR PLACE - POT PIXIE (HORROR PLACE - HOBYAH 2006) 11.HORROR PLACE - A SMALL PAN OR SLIDE PANIC (HORROR PLACE - HOBYAH 2006) 12.MELORIX - BDARKETA (MELORIX - MORAL TERROR 2006) 13.QUASAR - PLAN B (QUASAR - ONE DAY 2006) 14.MEGALOPSY - DEVENIR COSMOS (MEGALOPSY - THE ABSTRACT MACHINE 2005) 15.ALIEN MENTAL - GET HIGHER (V.A - NO FEAR 2006) 16.DEJAN - FUCK YOU (V.A - ROYAL STRAIGHT FLUSH 2006) 18.ZIK - COMPLETLY MORONZ (V.A - COSMIC THEATRE 2006) ... hope yall dig it! ... ..PEACE!
  14. awesome work my friend, embrace that f#"kin talent, and draw mo shiz, peace, very good again man, really
  15. hey man thx 4 the comments, really, and for takin the time to hear it and all... i like the doom soundtrack idea hehe, thx again, peace! boom!
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