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Everything posted by Blaze

  1. the thing is - ive expanded your shoutbox's width :D

    i can expand it more if you dont see its majestic stepness :P

  2. DIAR FILTERRIA PLS SENT UNRLZD KILLAS OK?!!! Seriously speaking, this is great news (they just keep coming ) and I like your change of style. Rock on
  3. Finally gave it a listen. Well, I won't admit having big expectations from this one. I haven't heard becoming insane and whatever else was available before the album. Here are some observations: Track 1 (becoming insane) - the guitars reminded me of Kiss' I was made for loving you. Track 2 (artillery) - starts like Prodigy - Diesel Power then moves into Linkin Park and SOAD territory. Track 4 (Heavyweight) - very nice, spoiled a bit by the singing (how's that? ). The guitars remind me of a Russian band Sektor Gaza (song - Lirika) Tracks I've liked - 3, 9 (the singing on this one is not as annoying), 10 and 11 (Very ClassicalMushroom- like, a bit cheesy but that's probably due to the Goa insertion ). Overall, it's much better than I expected (except for the vocals,some guitars and sounding like someone else in a few songs). It's not really psytrance (or full-on) as we know them. If you are not afraid of Duvdev singing, definitely give it a listen. Overall - 6.5/10 (considering 5/10 is an average album).
  4. FREq - yes (but a lil' bit less ) Antix - haven't heard yet. Basically, for me, most groovy prog stuff is summer
  5. The intensity and the drive are amazing IMHO
  6. yes. I'd say VA- Serve 'em twice is a very summer- and outdoor-friendly album.
  7. It did take you a few years, but congrats on realizing this Listened to it at work once again and it still fucking totally rocks! I'd even say Talpa > BP Empire > Nystagmus
  8. Hallucinogen - Magik [40 minutes ago - Hallucinogen - Alpha Centauri]
  9. I DL'ed it 2 days ago and still haven't listened. Now is the time.Tommorow it gets on my MP3-player and to work
  10. Singing to him?
  11. OMG Gotta get a new hard drive and rip everything to wavs
  12. Motherfuckers Do they break or rot or smth? And does this happen a lot to Twisted discs?
  13. Because you listen to them less?
  14. That's what I meant So an original CD > CD-R
  15. Doesn't a factory-pressed CD have better quality than a CD-R?
  16. If I sang like hime, I'd never smile too He looks like he was caught stealing the displays and is trying to think of an excuse
  17. Hey, Cybernetica, nice album I've listened to it twice at home and about 3 times at work The only problem I've had with it - it somewhat lacks personality but otherwise good job
  18. The Infected Plumbers Duvdev is the bigger guy and is bald. He's supposed to look tough and Erez is ze lil' bich
  19. The good news keep coming Awaiting (im)patiently.
  20. +1 Nice pictures, BTW, suit the new style well and are not over-the-top stupid.
  21. Bought it on Friday
  22. We could also post if we find something in the local shops for cheap. Then if people see something they need, you could buy it and sell/trade it.
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