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Everything posted by Blaze

  1. It is stupid but I like it for some reason
  2. Astrix has released good music in the past, so let's hope for the better
  3. My girlfriend loves psytrance. Progressive is slow for her, dark is fast and boring, so she listens mostly to goa and full-on. And goes to parties with me. I'm lucky :posford:
  4. Marchaos - Corollary of Flesh
  5. Amen is an OK album (even considering it's Astral )
  6. I'd say: Suntrip Fairie Dragon Gi'iwa
  7. Etienne - The moment in time
  8. Orichalum & The Deviant - 3 F.M.
  9. Talpa's 2nd album discussion: http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=39895
  10. Vibrasphere - Baltic resonance
  11. Cosmosis - Dance of the Cosmic Seprent
  12. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Those I've heard and they are good
  13. Kindzadza - Keep it Clean
  14. No psy this time but some nice stuff anyway : Doors, The - The Doors (40th Anniversary) http://www.discogs.com/release/992426 Grateful Dead - American Beauty http://www.discogs.com/release/399697 Led Zeppelin - S/T http://www.discogs.com/release/438486 Led Zeppelin - III http://www.discogs.com/release/440879 Pink Floyd - A Saucerful Of Secrets http://www.discogs.com/release/391654 Also found this at my girlfriend's place and had to confiscate it: DJ Moran Shnitzer & Har-El Prussky - Untitled http://www.discogs.com/release/342249
  15. I heard that once when Posford was in a really bad mood , he beat Chuck Norris and made him his little bitch :drama:
  16. The Doors - I Looked At You
  17. Can't download from megaupload and don't want to install their spyware Sugestions?
  18. Kraftwerk - The Hall of Mirrors
  19. Hawkwind - Orgone Accumulator
  20. stupid indeed. also, that dj x-tech guy with a dj x-tech hat is hilarious
  21. Some Rock (mostly old), a little Metal, Blues, Jazz and Electronic (non psy )
  22. T.I.P. - Mystical Experiences
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