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Everything posted by morlock

  1. am already busy on a deal with him but anyway nice to hear some confirmation he had just two posts so...
  2. i saw procs this morning performing live and indeed he was rocking my ass of, harder and darker then i expected but still with that awesome trippy forest touch... procs is verry nice... all other darkpsy i saw last night as melorix and hishiryo etc really made me loosing my interest in darkpsy a whole lotta more...
  3. some time ago someone here posted in some topic a link to some unreleased brian eno music... on that site you could download legal (i thought) 4 or 5 cd's with rare unreleased music from the master of ambient himself... i have searched for it but couldn't find it anybody who knows? please help me find this webpage... thnx in advance
  4. and is 'infected goa' trustable? cuz i might be interested in that psychoactive scandosounds 2...
  5. jep recommended
  6. ask it themselves ? edit: they rock btw, just saw them last week performing live in the morning...
  7. woot woot,west side forrest side fo' real!
  8. please let me the honour to offend you both: idiots
  9. oops, sorry nice to see that! keep up the good work girl! peace
  10. jep, not bad... not bad at all...
  11. he is selling those suntrip rec albums for three times the price i normally would pay for, almost 30 € ...
  12. this says it all (and that birdman is awesome!! )
  13. two possibility's here no? one: he is a fag, missed "idol", "the x factor" or whatever shitty tv program to become a star and tries it trough psytrance... two: he is just a great joker, messing with his stupid crowd, showing how fake most "live"-acts truly are... to be honest i don't really know, i'm afraid he's just the -first option- attention whore... but i do must admit i kinda liked (and still -somewhat- like) his track 'open your eyes up' from the tweakers compilation you can all shoot me now yeah yeah
  14. i think link
  15. damn cybernetika, damn damn damn.... nice procs intro and then booming in with one of my favorite tracks, pradox from the avatar comp! awesome! (just like that portal protection track later in the set, also one of my fav tracks from that comp...) for the rest... superb track choice, nice variation, skilled mixing and good flow! really very kewl set you dropped here, respect! the only minus on the whole set is the fact it's about 1:53:00 long and that i can -because of that- only listen it on my home computer you see no, very nice set, thnx man
  16. to answer the question... none maybe woke a few's interest because of my enthousiasm always but no.... irritating music!... and i really don't mind... the few people i"ve seen getting some more interested in psymusic are more getting innit for the coolness and the streetcredebillity of the dope issues then for the magic of the scene and the love for the music, soo peace
  17. not really a big fan... saw him live some time ago and he wasn't convincing at all not my piece of pie i guess...
  18. IN-fucking-SANE! where is rik? you definitively deserve your own gallery @ psygarden imo verrry nice art man... keep up the splendid work! respect ward
  19. looks like a very nice cd, will keep my eyes on it btw trancechick; are you plan b?
  20. clicking your link does nothing here
  21. go for it symphoid, go very proffesional fun track... maybe this can help you for some extra inspiration about your upcomming mtv vid?
  22. thnx man! nice to hear all these tunes, love your sets!
  23. thnx like it (especially that custom cover )
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