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Psy Cactus

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  1. I reckon it has got to be real Tibetan throat singers in DMT. Throat singing is such an artform that most of the world knows nothing about. Unfortunatley i have tried to teach myself how to 'throat sing' but i usually end up getting a sore throat. Anyway i am a drummer not a singer ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  2. yes i agree, the quality of Infected Mushroom's production is amazing. Infected Mushroom are not pop thats for sure. that is all i will say.
  3. last album.....................we will see............. But anyway the suspense is killing me, i really cant wait (although i have to) for this album. Both of their albums absolutley blow my mind, especially when i am shpongled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is music of such a special quality that i believe everyone in the whole world should listen to it...............well not really, but you know what i mean. I first heard 'around the world in a tea daze' from TOTI after drinking some special tea (hahaha) and i thought that track was the most amazing thing ever. Then i heard DMT and all thier others and im so hooked on shpongle its not funny. My Head Feels Like A Frisbee..........man ive been there a few times haha This album WILL be brilliant, i can feel it, but the waiting is too much. I would rather they not tell us when it may be released, i would rather they just release it when its ready and suprise everyone, but no..... we must wait................and wait
  4. OK you are probably right, Conga Fury clouds my judgement.
  5. sounds great man!!!!!!! i am from australia too, tassie to be precise. Where are you from? I have only listened to Acacia Dust so far, i will listen to the others 2morro and get back 2 you on those( i have slow download speed and am tired after a big weekend). This song might need a fatter kik drum but apart from that i cant fault it. I am a percussionist so i tend to focus alot on drum sounds. I am listening to it a second time and the kik is actually quite good, so ignore my earlier comment. Nice bass. I cant wait to hear it through a subwoofer (i am listening to it with crappy headphones at the moment) A couple of my friends and i also want to make some psy. Just out of curiousity what programs are you using? I will add more after i hear the others but so far all is very good, keep it up!!!! The psy is strong in you my friend. Psyonara
  6. Hey I play congas so the track Conga Fury is like my anthem, i can never get tired of it. So I love Bible Of Dreams. Let me tell you from a psy percussion point of view it doesnt get much better than that (dont get me wrong, there are heaps of tracks that are better but if you want to hear some awesome congas listen to this track). But wait till I start releasing tracks with my own conga patterns, then you hear some real conga fury!! In no particular order Infected Mushroom - BP Empire Infected Mushroom - Classical Mushroom Shpongle - Tales Of The Inexpressible Juno Reactor - Bible Of Dreams Younger Brother - A Flock Of Bleeps The Infinity Project - Mystical Experiences 1200 mics - 1200 micrograms ohh i could just go on and on really, its too hard to decide the best psy ever. It wont be hard when me and my friends release our own psy. We have begun but its a big secret so i cant even tell you what we are called. Psy 4 now psy friends
  7. My musical tastes are always evolving, things i used to hate i know like. I have bought cds and then listened to them at home and thought "this is crap, why did i buy it?", but then days, weeks or months later i will listen to it and its ok and i wonder why i didnt like it in the first place. I think expectation might have something to do with it. When an album is not what you expect it can be confusing, difficult or frustrating to listen to. So when you listen back to it later you know what to expect so it is not a shock to the ears. The bottom line i think is somebody ( at least ) likes this album or it would never have been recorded and released so forget about what you like for a second and try to enjoy what other people like. I mean listen to it from a different point of view. Does this make sense? Psy Psy
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