last album.....................we will see.............
But anyway the suspense is killing me, i really cant wait (although i have to) for this album. Both of their albums absolutley blow my mind, especially when i am shpongled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is music of such a special quality that i believe everyone in the whole world should listen to it...............well not really, but you know what i mean.
I first heard 'around the world in a tea daze' from TOTI after drinking some special tea (hahaha) and i thought that track was the most amazing thing ever. Then i heard DMT and all thier others and im so hooked on shpongle its not funny.
My Head Feels Like A ive been there a few times haha
This album WILL be brilliant, i can feel it, but the waiting is too much. I would rather they not tell us when it may be released, i would rather they just release it when its ready and suprise everyone, but no..... we must wait................and wait