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Everything posted by extazya

  1. http://www.speedyshare.com/616885679.html here is the correct link
  2. thx guys , well i dident make this track proffesionly , its like my first time in full on morning stuff. i will stick in dark area where i am realesing and more advanced BoooM p.s - please listen to "fun gun" demo under the topic "148 bpm darrrrrk"
  3. you dident hurt me dude its ok , i just told the trueth of what not telling on the TV. Peace and love.
  4. hi ppl , back with a final demo . http://www.speedyshare.com/data/616885679/...nal%20demo).mp3 what do you think ? BoooooooooooM YONI.
  5. new demo hu hi he - fun gun http://www.speedyshare.com/data/616885679/...nal%20demo).mp3 what do you think ? BoooooooooooM YONI.
  6. lets promote it , and global trip is a cool nickname for the cd BooooM
  7. hi guys , came with a new full track http://www.speedyshare.com/data/451689443/...320%20kbps).mp3 what you think? BooooM YONI.
  8. i am from israel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not portugal !!! Israellllllllllllllll
  9. hehehe lets wait until the final disc line up is revel and than wait for the realese of the comp and than do out tea party (kalki have a spaicel tea that trpis your for 2 hours).
  10. thx big !!!! i sent you an email
  11. !#!^*# i had a good line up until the arabs started the war in the north ! GOBLIN (psysex) D.NA tactic mind digital tribe brain damage Extazya (me) on a full power productions.
  12. thx big , lets chat on icq or messenger if you have , we are just spaming this post icq : 261493944 msn : yonidayan@hotmail.co.il
  13. here is my biography.. biography... Yoni dayan , known as "extAzya" : from south of israel, started creating music at age 13. now he is working on his debut album and seeking for a break point . the music that he creates is : full on morning with dark in exclusive style. started to create and learn music at age 13 and in age 14 he started to play at underground productions in israel and a picture is attached BooM YONI.
  14. hey men , i sent you the 256 kbps link check in your email , its speedy share link p.s - i am from isarel , not italy dude , and you have my agree.
  15. thx mate and the samples are from "cheech and chong : up in smoke" , my favorite movie of all times more comments?
  16. hi guys , back with a new skitz , 148 bpm .. full on dark style Link: http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?acti...182BCA213FB5395 What you think ? BooooooooooM YONI.
  17. P.S - i am free for line ups extazya@nana.co.il - email hehe
  18. hehe thx guys , dito thank you and christie my love hehe more comments psynews people?
  19. hehe you are a girl the link soon hehe BoooooooM ANY more comments?
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