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Everything posted by Malevol3nt

  1. Anything can sound good in proper hands, but it's horrible when artists add guitars to their tracks just because guitars in psytrance are "popular". No no. Didgeridoos and other instruments can sound just as bad as guitars can in the hands of anti-talents. Just like useless over-exagerations with flutes. If someone's gonna record something with a flute, well at least they could make some decent melody with it not just slap a few random long notes in there.
  2. Seems like that's what everyone's aiming for these days. The old switcheroo - good is bad, bad is good.
  3. That's funny, 2 days ago I found a few collection of trance toplists on youtube. And they're all organized by the "feeling" you get from these tracks. For example: Top 5 Day Dreaming Trance Songs Top 5 Easy-Going Trance Songs Top 5 Inspiring Trance Songs Top 5 Just Plain Wonderful Trance Songs Top 5 Catchy Trance Songs Top 5 Calming Trance Songs Top 5 Uplifting Trance Songs Top 5 Impressive Trance Songs Top 5 Spine-Chilling Trance Songs In most cases the description is pretty accurate. I don't really know why one track gives out one type of emotion while another gives out a totally different type of emotion. I'm intrigued with it aswell. But I can't really explain it or define why it works that way. It's interesting how some melodies give you a 'move on', some make you smile, some make you sad and some make you just want to dance. In fact, what I'm missing in most of nowadays music is exactly that, the emotion part of it. It seems like artists are focused too much on the technical side of things instead.
  4. Omg that vid is so lame. Adding that name directly below Dali on my vocalists to avoid list.
  5. Jes - Disconnect She might be familiar with Jes allready since Jes has that uber-famous hit Motorcycle - As the rush comes. Disconnect is sort of a mainstream vocal trance album, I like it since her voice is so Yum!
  6. Just listening right now. This album is kind of awesome at first impression. Need more listens tho first.
  7. Anything with the number 69 on it.
  8. Seems to me people buy alot of crap on psyshop, at least according to that toplist. Alien Project vinyl's are at #1? What?
  9. Well actually, from that list I'm only really familiar with Cosmo. I've heard of Derango and Megalopsy before, but the rest are unknowns to me. I like any genre as long as the artist pushes the limit or has something original. Just because there are "dark" samples in there doesn't mean shizzle to me really. But good music is good music in whatever form it may be in.
  10. These kinds of topics make me nostalgic of the days when I first started listening to electronic music and how much I loved it then.
  11. Huh? Whos Derango?? GOTCHA AGAIN!
  12. Sure, but imo ambient music has it's own roots really. Still that picture to me seems to be more of a "my personal favourite music" then some kind of tree list of genres.
  13. That Reality Gliders track didn't move me at all.. same old fool-on.
  14. What? I was trying to be funny
  15. I keep relistening to the soundtrack of Donnie Darko. Whoever hasn't watched the movie, I recommend it alot Donnie Darko @ imdb It includes that track that got popular after Gears of War trailer came out (that console game). So get the OST aswell
  16. Man, this is fucking unbelievable. I spent about 30 minutes searching for duplicate files, found about 900 of them just in the projects folder. This happened cos I kept duplicating folders when I was making backups. So I quickly removed them now. Also removed all of the duplicate projects that come loaded with the various sequencers. So, the numbers: 1,579 .flp (Fl Studio) 1,330 .cwp (Cakewalk Sonar) 914 .p5p (Cakewalk Project 5) Which is a sum of 3823 Unique PROJECT FILES! Ok, probably alot of these are various synth patches combined with each other, but there's tons of midi sequences and half-finnished tracks in there aswell. Oh, did I forgot to mention I've got another folder where I keep my VST presets aswell? Let's see, after I removed all the duplicates, how many unique presets do I have? 1,342 .fxp files. And these were all made by me. I never download presets of the web, I rather create my own. They've piled up over the years. Am I sick, or am-I-sick? I would have never of thought to have so many scraps laying around. I thought 80% of those were duplicates.. but turns out they're not. There really is a ton of material in there. It's the result of that perfectionism thing that I used to talk about in psynews offtopic. I would start a project, and never finnish it. It's been haunting me for years. I gotta put an end to it tho, this just has to stop.
  17. I wonder what they were thinking.. Their previous releases had like almost good covers, but this is just lol. Edit: Oh and the only name I've ever heard of from that list is Cosmo - as in Cosmo Kramer from Seinfeld.
  18. I'll just say.. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0095705/
  19. This is gonna be a long post, watch out! So I took a few minutes off from the PC, just sat down in front of my window and gazed into the distance. It's really because I spend alot of time doing stuff on the PC, so I need to rest my eyes every once in a while. It really helps to ease the stress of the eyes (and the mind). Anyway, as I was staring in the distance I started thinking about things. Mainly about my music. I was thinking how I could never seem to finnish a track anymore. Which was odd, because I have so many ideas and so many scrap projects laying around. I could easily take bits from these scrap projects and integrate them to a full track. But whenever I would start a track, it would last at a maximum of a minute or so. After less then a minute, the track itself spins out of control. Staring at the distance, I started thinking how I used to make tracks a long time ago. And I have over 50 tracks that are finnished and that I've neatly organized into 4 or so albums. They were mainly experiment ideas, fun-music and stuff like that. I appreciated it, but I didn't want to stop there. So all of a sudden, out of the blue, it hit me. It was that "Eureka!" moment. I finally realized what the problem was. See, in my early days when I just started making music I didn't really take the music-making part seriously. I would start a project with a simple beat, I would layer it around for a few minutes in the timeline and then I would work around it. Gradually adding more stuff, editing, cutting, and the works. But nowadays, the way I worked was really counter-intuitive. I spent alot of time during the past few years focusing mainly on synthesis. I would load a new project, add a synth and then just create new patches. Whenever I would create something interesting I would just save the whole project with a new name (I used project versioning instead of saving .fxp presets, just click of a button and the project gets saved with a new number in the filename which is kind of faster for synth's that don't have preset management). But when I would actually start making a track this is where I would get into trouble. I had all these great elements that would work great in a track, but the problem was they do not fit in the beginning. I would start a track with an element that should really exist somewhere in the middle of a track, when the track "builds up" to the point where you play a really nice synth line or similar (A very usual element found in the build-ups of old-school goa tracks). Most (goa) tracks start out slow, they build up gradually untill they reach a certain point, then they stay in that range for a while untill they start slowing down again (By slow&fast I mean the number of elements in a track and the general effect on the listener, not the tempo). But I was working in a totally un-initiative way. I would start with a heavy element and after a while I wouldn't know how to progress further along. Basically, what I just realized was that I need to start slow. I need to start with a simple beat, maybe a simple lead - some placeholders if I decide to replace them eventually. And then gradually build on top of it, adding more elements as the timeline progresses. It shouldn't matter how good the beginning of the track sounds, by that I mean in the very beginning of the production of the track. See, I allways had this idea that I had to make everything perfect. Even in the very beginning. My problem was a combination of the need for perfection and my lack of patience. But these thoughts today gave me a whole new perspective. Hopefully I won't forget these words. But that's why I made this topic, just to remind myself every so often. Sorry if I wasted 10 minutes of your time for nothing, but I found this as one of those 'Eureka' moments and had to share it.
  20. Well there's nothing bad with We Interface, but I dig their old work much more. You could have a taste of both if you want to. Personally I prefer Trip To Trancesylvania & We Created Our Own Happiness. Here's a preview track from Trip To Trancesylvania: And a really short preview from We Created Our Own Happiness: X-Dream - Relax Vortex (There's apparently 2 different versions of this track, one is called 'Relax Vortex', the other 'Relaxed Vortex')
  21. Personally, I don't like that picture that much either. But I didn't make it. I don't see no mention of Etnica, the only X-dream release mentioned is "We Interface" which hardly shows what these guys have to offer, and what is with the "Trance which is psychedellic" in the middle that eventually points to Solar Fields (Extended) and the rest of the ambient pack? This has close to nothing to do with trance, even less so psychedellic trance. I mean sure, these artists have some influence from trance, but these genres shouldn't really fall into the trance category. There's just a ton of more epic releases not mentioned there, so to you new guys out there don't run away if you don't like something you hear from those recommendations. There's really more to it then what's on that image. It's a good start tho I guess
  22. If you guys choose to go the sharing-wavs way, maybe it would be best to share Flac's instead? They're lossless, but can save on size compared to wav's.
  23. Hmm.. Well it wouldn't hurt to try I guess. Send me a PM if your up for it
  24. You might be reffering to this piccy:
  25. Yeah but, can you load VST's in Digital Performer?
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