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Everything posted by Malevol3nt

  1. This is funny, I was trying to find some Man With No Name reviews, but there's no way of searching by his artist name because I get the error: "One or all of your search keywords were below 4 characters". What's up with that? Anywho.. I'll just search for album titles then.
  2. That little grin on his face tells it all.
  3. Ok. How about then instead we use "Full-on" as a pejorative?
  4. No, we expect 20 overkill albums each year. The rest of the 480 can be used for campfires.
  5. Ye. Lack of effort. That's what it is. Lazy attention seeking effortless newbies. Where all the pro's at?
  6. The bit about warmth, well this is mostly software developers fault. It is possible to have that "warmth" in a virtual synth, just needs some hard work on algorithms that's all. Zebra is one of those synths that can do some very warm stuff for example.
  7. Lol, I've never realised putting them all together on one page would seem so cracy. It's like a comic book. Edit: does he secretly want to star in a new matrix movie or something..? Edit2: if psynews had an offtopic forum i'd call for a photoshop challenge. oh well, cant have it all. Edit3: that "private collection" looks like a cover of a porn series Edit4: but the winner is the vinyl dj cover
  8. By advantage I didn't mean take advantage of ready-made synths with great patches, but the advantage of the creative potential of some software that is available out there. But allready it seems like software developers are working in the wrong direction.. making it even more easy for the newbies out there to 'create' something that sounds good. One example would be Nexus, you will hear praise about it among almost every amateur artist out there. That's only because it delivers something good in just a few clicks. Pre-recorded samples and predefined patches, way to inspire creativity..Not. Instead of choosing these virtual synths by their creative potential, people choose them by their ease of use. It's like the software developers are now taking the role of music making from them, and just putting a few buttons for that minimal ammount of control. The role of the music maker behind this new (commercial) software is continuing to fade. Of course I'm over-exaterating a bit, but it sure seems to go in that direction. Rant rant rant.. Who cares. I still use internal FL instruments made like half a decade ago, and with a bit of tweaking and eq'ing they can sound terrific. Anywho, I'm out of this thread.. no reason to continue discussing this.
  9. Indeed, with software anything is possible. It's a shame artists aren't taking that advantage tho. Edit: It's funny how I allways mix up Crop Circles with 'Crap Circles'. An honest mistake it must be..
  10. There's a difference between full-on and darkpsy, at least I see a difference. Look, full-on is to me the equivalent of eurodance. A commercial rape of a genre just to inspire more sales (a.k.a the "cool" genre among kids, mtv and stuff). So full-on seems to me like a stripped down version of what usually psychedellic tracks contain, and the main thing that gets pushed forward in this type of music is the bassline (for the kids on E on parties). And then I hear things like "There's good full-on". Yeah, there might be and there is. But what is the point? Strip down psytrance, and then add a layer or two again and now its "good full-on". I mean that's like dripping alcohol into an alcohol-free beer can. Why not just call it psytrance in the first place? It's got a fatter bassline and now it's supposed to be called a whole different genre? As for darkpsy, this is a genre I respect. Because it actually is different enough to be called a sub-genre of it's own. And there are inspiring artists in this genre such as psyskovsky. About the predefined formula's bit: By formula's I didn't mean "140 bpm, lots of dynamics etc", as an artist you probably have some idea what you want to do with your track. But what I meant was these new artists that keep popping out like mushrooms after rain, almost all of them have this one idea in their head - "How can I become famous and do so quickly?". So they start looking for formulas in other tracks and build on them. As I see it they're looking for 'recognition' in the scene, and the quickest way to do that is to copy the tested formula of other more known artists. It's like they're too scared or just lack the effort to try something new. People blame it on software, how it changed everything and made it possible for everyone to make music. You know what, software doesn't make music, people make music. Sure it's easy to make music with software, but damn it, it's not easy to make good music with software. It requires a whole lot more effort, and this is what these new artists are struggling with and eventually just give up and go with the tested formula. Where with hardware you had it (almost) easy - it sounds great out of the box, the software on the other hand requires alot of tweaking (to be able to make something creative that actually sounds good). Not to mention the extra eq'ing and all sorts of effects just to level it up so it sounds like it was made with hardware. The scene now seems to be made out of clusters, where there are strict definitions of each subgenre. It's like psytrance was a cake made out of 12 different chocolates, and a bunch of people took their own favourite chocolate slice. Then they turned that slice into a cake of it's own. And now you have a choice between 12 cakes, instead of just taking 1 cake and have all the chocolate in it at once. Now unless your name is NHJOHYENNRO, you can't label your album's genre with 'goaminimaltekkfullondarkpsy'. So these artists just choose one genre, simple formula, copy-paste, and Voilà! Cake served.
  11. U got a screenshot of that? I think I'll give it a try, before I turn into a tri-headed alien. Edit: Lol, I said screenshot. I meant a picture of the headphones.
  12. How I fucking hate that word.
  13. Haha rippled head! Well actually, yeah, it kind of gets annoying wearing them all the time. The ears are never annoyed, but the head.. I don't like that design really. I mean sure that's only after a LONG time wearing them (I put these under stress almost 24/7 lol, my head would hurt on any headphones i guess) Oh and I'm thinking about selling these to my sis' and getting the dark blue ones just for me only. (cos she LOVES them. I told her she was gonna get hooked the minute she listened to them ). One other thing, that one bit of that transparent plastic that acts like a handle, that looks like rails broke one one side. It's no biggy, it doesn't change the balance or the sound of course. It's just annoying that a headphone with such precision get's such design flaws. I mean cmon, cheap plastic used for the handle that is used constantly to adapt the phones.. that's a no-no. Other then that, absolute brilliance coming out of them after 1 year of use. Now how does that work?
  14. The original post is a year old, still tho thx. I'm still lovin' them, but the dark blue ones look so tempting..
  15. Yeah I had a feeling it was really an AP track. It just has that AP signature in it, if you know what I mean. Great track.
  16. Dudeeeeee........ AKG K702!! They're the same as k701 except they're DARK BLUE! (Fuk yeah, why didn't they make them like that in the first place, white just looks cheap..) + they've got a detachable cable. I'm so gonna be an AKG collector when I star earning millions.. .
  17. What Definition? Predefined sounds? Predefined formulas? That's the exact opposite of what psy should be about. I'm sorry, but electro and tech house are not "streched out" psychedellic music, they're something completely different. But if you believe you can call that psy...well.. that's your own idea. I don't really care if artists stretch out the meaning of a genre, actually I respect artists for going to extremes, but that's not what's hapenning right now. The genres are being narrowed down even further with predefined formulas, and that's exactly why 90% of the music blows. Luckily there's other genres I can look up to, like ambient for example, where the ratio of good music to be found is in a better advantage then the psytrance scene.
  18. YESSSSSSSSSSSS!! I've been waiting for this ever since the last christmas carol release of 07'!! :posford: Downloading.. Edit: Fuck me, I can't download the file. Some kind of download-limit reached (only 250 MB allowed, your archive is 295 MB) Reupload on yousendit or somewhere..?
  19. Since when do you have moderation privileges?
  20. I think it's the root of all problems in my humble opinion. Why would anyone want to copy other peoples style or create their own based on a 'popular formula' unless they wanted to get in the music business purely for the money or the "fame" (which explains the boom of artists in Israel). I'm not a genre fascist tho. There's pretty much gold in every genre, altho maybe I can't grasp what full-on really represents as a subgenre. As for dark psy, psykovsky is the one I found out about first, a really great talent and he makes the genre shine. I can't really blame one genre of music for killing another (as in becoming more popular). If one genre becomes more popular then the other, and artists start abandoning their original genre for the more popular one, it's their choice sure. But if they do it solely to promote their music to a wider population no matter what that music sounds like, then I think this is called "forced cross-gendre switch" (Holy shit what a tittle ). Blame the artists for selling out, don't blame genres. Don't blame the listeners either, it's their choice to listen what they want to listen to. If an artist switches to another genre, but does so because he is truly interested in another genre and not just to make his name more popular, then I respect that. I guess thats what Posford did, but I'm kind of 50/50 about liking/not liking his style (altho that's more of a personal taste then anything else).
  21. i still think it's money tho. money mixed with a bit of fame. that's it. not genres, but money.
  22. So what is the most likely definition of 'psychedellic' music according to you?
  23. Pads in death metal, WTF? Pad-Metal? To be honest I don't hear anything 'psychedellic' in nowaday music that's labeled 'psy', and that includes all of the subgenres. It seems like the definition of 'psychedellic' has been turned from 'complex, crazy, melodic, rhythmic, interesting' to 'simple, unmelodic, vague, plain, uncreative, dark'. Just dropping a sound into a track that sounds way off doesn't make the track psychedellic for fucks sake. It's not about the sound, it's about the effect of the entire track. You build little peaces together and make the whole track sound psychedellic, but yet make the listener interested throughout the entire track. That's the true genius of it, not some damn dark samples layered all over with a bassline, and expecting the listener to just like it. That's why I don't like today's music so much. It's because (almost) everyone is making music with a formula.
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