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Everything posted by Malevol3nt

  1. Genders don't kill music, artists kill music!
  2. Thanks!
  3. I'm kind of stunned since I can't figure out who really made this track. According to discogs it was Iridium: http://www.discogs.com/release/206469 Track 9 - Iridium - 12000 Suns. A track made by Iridium, I gave a quick visit to the artist page, only 3 track listed and this VA track. But I allways thought this was a track from Astral Projection? There seems to be mixed results when you search on google for 12000 suns, on some pages the author credited is Iridium, on others its AP. Musically speaking, it sounds like something AP would make, since I've never heard anything of Iridum before anyway. Anyone got an idea who is really behind this track? Was it a colaboration maybe?
  4. Toby Marks a.k.a. Banco De Gaia. Just listening to his '10 Years' album. Really great ethnic/chillout music, very creative stuff. I've found out about him from the ambientmusicguide.com site. Altho theres a TON of artists missing from that site it's still nice to find this kind of music. Anyone else enjoying this music? Have recommendations of similar style artists maybe? (Well I'll find out by myself probably, since I haven't browsed thru all the artists from that site just yet.) But this is great stuff!
  5. It's over . But it was awesome while it lasted
  6. Then it's time for some
  7. I think I'm gonna cum.
  8. Guitars?! Wtf?
  9. btw it was a great track
  10. I think you just missed it Or maybe I haven't heard all of his stuff yet..
  11. Awesome, I tuned in a minute ago. For anyone having trouble use the m3u link (The .pls one didnt work for me for some reason): http://usa4-vn.mixstream.net/stream/163/listen.m3u
  12. This music really shines after a couple of beers. :posford:
  13. For all your free netlabel minimal needs: http://www.thinner.cc/
  14. Nice nice.. Looking forward for the alpha release. If you need debugging or bug reports that is.
  15. I'm not sure I've seen this feature before, but it might prove useful: Select multiple parts of the clip (say from timeline 0:20 to 0:45 and from 2:30 to 2:50) and put them in a loop. So the wave editor starts playing at 0:20, and when it reaches 0:45 it continues to 2:30. When it reaches 2:50 it goes back to 0:20. I've no idea, maybe this has been allread implemented in some commercial software allready (wavelab..? Theres no such option in Sound forge as far as I know). Ability to slowdown or speedup the playback in realtime? Out of curiousity what are u using to develope the software? Delphi, C++? Good luck btw.
  16. Copy this peace of code to your reply: [img=http://i38.tinypic.com/2pos5tg.jpg] 2 - Definition of 'coping': cope 1 (kp) intr.v. coped, copĀ·ing, copes 1. To contend or strive, especially on even terms or with success: coping with child rearing and a full-time job. 2. To contend with difficulties and act to overcome them: "Facing unprecedented problems, the Federal Reserve of the early 1930s couldn't cope" Robert J. Samuelson. I think he meant it in a good way, because the album may be overwhelming (as in so good that you can't imagine).
  17. I'm gonna go with a wild guess and say skazi. Edit: oops, you meant goa? Hmm.. Infected Mushroom?
  18. It depends on what your definition on bad is... and what your definition on good album covers mean
  19. It's either good cover and crap music, or crap cover an crap music. There are exceptions of course..
  20. You know even gay people are tired of saying that yahel covers are FUCKING GAY. What has this scene fallen to..
  21. A crazy genius I call him. My brain is literally frozen trying to figure out the words to describe him. He's just one of those rare talents that pops out and gets embraced by the whole planet.
  22. Actually I do love old music & I don't have that much of a perspective for music released in the past decade.. it's not that groundbreaking with a good replay value as the older stuff. My personal view on things. Thanx for the recommendation.
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