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Everything posted by Malevol3nt

  1. It's all part of googlebot's takeover of the internet.
  2. Make money open source!!
  3. This has been in my toplist since the first time I saw it. Spectacular cover!
  4. Some Man With No Name. He inspires me.
  5. Coolio. I've heard good things about it. Got any artist recommendations?
  6. Well since we're going to talk about music in here, and I haven't really digged up into much of psy ever since AP released Amen back in '02, I guess this is a good time to retrace on what's new. Are there any psytrance subgenres except full-on worth checking out that evolved since 02? Albums, comps, anything really. Prog style is also welcome, I'm not going to reject something I haven't tasted yet. But full-on is out of the question, sorry it's just my personal taste. I've allready digged up deep into ambient music but I wanna check out whats new with other genres aswell. Oh and you don't have to recommend suntrip releases as I know about those allready hehe. Hope you can help! Cheers!
  7. Ulrich Schnauss - Nobody's Home comes to mind.. (it's got a sad melody to it) I'll look thru my mp3's, I'm in a so-so mood right now aswell. Not too much but I'm in the mood for these types of tracks. Edit: Just remembered some more, these ones are from a metal band: Machine Head - Deafening Silence - click for youtube link, one of my alltime favourites from this band, pretty sad. And Machine Head - The Burning Red - this one is smooth & easy.
  8. Thanks for the kind words, man. I'm a huge fan of Schnauss so that meant a lot to me :)

  9. :drooooooooooooooooooooooooooooll:
  10. Yes, I did say your food basket. Oh and, I've never been to grade 9, skipped that one. Is that the grade for those really 'special' kids like you? Must of been fun!
  11. You shouldn't put cd's in your food basket.
  12. Wow he had so many aliases! I'll be honest, I don't think I've heard any of his works before. I guess I have alot of digging to do now. Shame he passed away tho..
  13. Solar Fields - Air Song ... mmmmmm.. :posford:
  14. Hey nice to hear the news. Good luck, I'll defo check it out
  15. Hi there. Just downloaded, listened to 1 track, I'm on #2 right now. I don't want to give any judgement before I listened thru the whole thing, but so far this is F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C! This is exactly the type of music I can enjoy and chill out to. And I'm only on track #2, ha! I'll try give you a full review in a day or two. Peace!
  16. It's funny how spyware is labeled as critical risk level, yet a troyan is only a medium security risk. Anywho, I haven't been getting that spyware popup, however I did get some warning popup in opera asking me if i want to continue loading the page by accepting some "license agreement" of a cookie. Dunno what that is about.. but there's defo something going on. Edit: btw psytime, what is that os that you're running?
  17. Indeed. You posted a 44 byte .cda (cd audio) track, and that format doesn't actually contain any audio, you should convert your track to mp3 or something.
  18. If you really want to be underground I recommend a cave, not a garage. Just kiddin, good luck with the band
  19. Not just psytrance. You could try mixing up some jazz with ambient, like Pushmipulyu's album 133 Thursdays.
  20. Just to correct this: alt while click & drag = keep the start position and make all selected notes longer/shorter shift while click & drag= enlange the whole sequence. You can use shift to select individual notes and then make changes to only those notes. Also, You can hold alt and press the left or right key to move the selected notes very accurately by the timeline. Or you can hold shift and press left or right to move them by the currently selected measure (the snap to grid thingy)
  21. Astral Projection - Ambient Galaxy (Disco Valley Mix)
  22. This is just an idea.. Could we have a special sobforum in the reviews section for ambient/downtempo releases only? I've noticed there's quite a few ambient lovers on psynews so maybe we could have our very own corner of ambient music reviews? Just a thought..
  23. They had pretty much all of their tracks free for download on mp3.com (that was like half a decade ago). Altho it was 128kbit, but I still appreciated it.
  24. TMPGenc is a great proggy for video import/export and editing. It ain't free.. meh who am i kidding, everything is free on the internet.. http://www.tmpgenc.net/
  25. Arp is a Midi control in vanguard, how is routing audio from the predator to an fx unit going to change the midi data of the predator track? Maybe you meant trancegate, that's an audio efx in vanguard.
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