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Everything posted by Malevol3nt

  1. Skazi does this all the time, in the studio. That's where all the cheeze comes from.
  2. Well now that you've posted on a public forum about your plans, you better ask for some permission. But yeah there's like a million DJ's spinning music without any license or permision whatsoever. But hey, at least the artist gets a little bit of promotion of his music, that can't hurt.
  3. I would probably not stop listening to Death/Thrash Metal, and I would end up in a band or something. Altho I still ocasionally listen to Metal. But it's getting very rare these days.
  4. People are just too lazy these days. You get offered something for free, and the user has a hard time downloading one application to get the free content. Like it's that hard to adapt to something new.
  5. What special software? All you need is utorrent, or if you've got Opera you don't have to worry about anything (since it has torrenting integrated). Edit: Altho a combination of direct downloads and torrents could be a great solution. That original Torrent creator, Bram Cohen, is working on some kind of protocol to enable content streaming via the help of p2p. It would be great if a user could download directly of the web, and in the process direct some of his upload bandwidth to the next downloader via the server. Sounds complicated, but if that kind of system would work it could potentially save some bandwidth. Kind of like a direct download+p2p hybrid. Also, this could be done with HTML5, so no *special software* would be needed.
  6. Looks nice. Already there.
  7. Something is wrong with the psyfreakz file. It downloads a 2 kilobyte file with no extension. Tried it with Firefox and IE.
  8. I never explored the genre much. Psykovsky is pretty wicked tho, and so is Cybernetika. There's just too much dark psy out there that sounds all the same to me. Heavy dark repetitive bassline, random half-second samples with a ton of reverb and delay on them appearing every couple of seconds, and then in the pauses theres usually some audio sample from a movie or some conversation.. and then back to the beat with the bassline again.. BORING. Too minimal and repetitive, and it sounds like every dark psy artist out there uses the same damn samples and synthesizers. But like I said, I've only scratched the surface of whatever is out there. I'm sure there's more artists that would give me a good impression like Psykovsky.
  9. Helps when I get pissed off at work, and I usually drive to different places. So while I'm driving I put some pietrance and volume to da max. I think driving & psytrance really go along with each other. I have yet to go on a long trip or drive for many hours tho..
  10. If by floaty you mean progressive, then I prefer epic. I'm not sure what a "story" means, but I love it when synths and sounds play with each other, like trying to beat each other in a game. That's what I like about MWNN's tracks, it's like every lead/beat/sound is telling their own story.
  11. Happens to me as well. Here's a tip: When you have a project with sampler channels and you want to make sure you never loose those samples, save the project via File > Save as and select "Zipped Loop File" next to the "Save as Type" section. This will pack all the samples you're using including the .flp file into a zip file. FL can open zip's stored this way, you don't have to extract them or anything. This does not save any samples used by VSTs tho (like Kontakt or Battery).
  12. Hey kiddo, read an article or two. Or maybe digg-up an encyclopedia? Or finish high-school? Get your facts straight before you blabble in your native-engrish.
  13. There's also a video with John '00' Flemming. He's talking about production, mixing etc. Lasts about 1:30 hours, and it's very informative. You can find it in a recent Computer Magazine DVD, or, ahem, sniff around the web and find it someplace.
  14. lol @ the invisible performer
  15. Even my friends, who are not into psy, but are into dnb totally dig this album. They kept asking me for more download links.
  16. Downloading.. Edit: Wow, this is crazy good stuff. Why don't you get signed yet, cybernetika? This is golden!
  17. He's.. on another web forum which I cannot name. If I told you I would have to kill you.
  18. This: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZVCooqtWW0
  19. This is so pathetic. Erez get outta there maaan!
  20. Spare me your buddha lectures, please. My question was who were among the best remixers, I didn't ask for a specific remixer. And the question is about everyone's individual opinion on which remixers they consider to be the top. I'm not looking for a single answer.
  21. I'm a lil' deaf on the left ear, since early this year. I don't care to be honest. That's why they invented panning in the first place.
  22. Ah cool, haven't seen the thread before. Also, I agree MWNN knows the stuff.
  23. I can't remember a topic like this before.. Who do you consider to be a great Remixer? List some track names if you can too.. Personally, I've always loved what Deedrah did with the Lepton Head remix. But that's just one example. Your turn!
  24. I would guess because most people don't have the effort to find video-ripping software (or websites) and/or they just don't like listening to music on a video site. It kind of makes sense too, it's difficult to load a bunch of tracks in a playlist on youtube. If people are not going to buy the album, they torrent it or download from some place else. Also, people buy albums these days to support the artist/scene or they just like their music on plastic. I don't think theres that much people left who still don't realize they can get music for free.
  25. Haha, someone's a little jelious now, isn't he?
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