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Everything posted by Malevol3nt

  1. No, I didn't mean that my own unmastered music sounds different from commercial music. I mean I can for example play my wav file in an mp3 player like winamp or qcd player or windows media player, then i go and listen to the same wave file on my portable cd player or my home dvd system and it really is faster. Maybe it has something to do with the track not being mastered. Or maybe I have a soundcard issue of some sort.. I'll try comparing the track in winamp and the original project file in the sequencer and I'll report here. Maybe it's just a problem with my drivers..
  2. This is really strange, but whenever I want to listen to my own unmastered music on a different device other than my pc, whether it is mp3 or wav, it sounds like its got a faster tempo then originally set. I've tried listening on a home dvd player, cd player, ipod, but it allways sounds faster. I don't know whats the issue here. Anyone else having these problems, know the solution?
  3. And mine isn't? Nevermind
  4. Same to you friend
  5. Oldskool dj set u say? http://www.discogs.com/release/201325
  6. If you want to mix properly and maybe try mastering your music you definately need monitors.
  7. Nice dancing there Afgin Good music
  8. Get a mike, turn on your washing mashine, record 10 secs. put a delay on it and a touch of 'verb. add some kickbasskickbass and your done!
  9. Lol, you mean a tremmolo
  10. No, but I'm suffering from RTG Syndrome (a.k.a. Richard David James is too good syndrome)
  11. Hey you've got the same midi keyboard as me! only mine's 61key hehe (only i hate it for not having real-time controls). Awesome album Afgin! Keep it up man.
  12. Well thats what topics like these are for
  13. You can make a good sound with reason, just because Reason has its own integrated instruments and effects doesn't limit it to the sounds you can make with it. Especially the mixer page where you can connect inputs & outputs with wires just like you would with hardware, so you can make pretty wild sounds with it if you experiment alot.
  14. Hmm maybe I'll make a track in 2 weeks just for fun and see how it ends. If it's a good one I'll send it to you. Lookin forward to this release
  15. Hey why does psynews just drop dead every other day or so. Like yesterday the whole day I couldn't open any page I got those nasty 404 errors. Is psynews still under hackers attack or sumwat?
  16. Nice stuff, I like it. Intro part is very nice. You made this in just 4 hours? Amazing melodies too. Is it final tho? It feels like it needs to be longer, but thats just my opinion.
  17. Thanx For listening hehe Edit: Maybe I'll master it sometimes, when I learn how to master properly that is And I'll post up a 2001 remix of it too
  18. Now don't be shy, give it a try!
  19. As requested by Seraph, I've uploaded this old track of mine, its one of my first tracks really. Made in fruityloops back when I was about 10 years old (which means It hasn't been mastered) . Have a blast Right click & Save As... Nan0sph3r3 - 10110011 ('99 Mix) Edit: You might want to listen to this with your headphones as it sounds better with them cos its unmastered.
  20. Anyone nearing completion? Topic kinda died
  21. Sure, I'd like Sungirl to spin meh
  22. I'm listening to Autechre's Amber album from '94. I'm quite surprised, theyre much better than I thought. Sounds a bit like Aphex Twin, but with better mastering heh
  23. Unicorns I have to check this album tho..
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