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Everything posted by Malevol3nt

  1. what he said. Btw. why mp4? arent they for videos?
  2. This is way too cool >> http://graffitiresearchlab.com/?page_id=76#video Laser Graffiti
  3. Maybe just rename it to "Music Discussion" or something? "General" sounds a bit.... well... boring, dont you think?
  4. I love that Fine Day remix. The tunes are actually quite refreshing, thx for sharing your music with us!
  5. Well yeah, i don't really see it as goa, but it sure is better than the usual stuff that gets released anyways. Just try to master it a bit more, so we give it another listen
  6. I'd remove Maximal, intense, goa from the tittle. It's a nice psy track tho. The high frequencies are kind of dampened tho, like they were filtered out? Maybe you should master this a little better and you would have a killargh track
  7. Hehe same thing here m8 Well neway, thats a nice combination, but I would personally recommend buying a dualcore athlon. P4's are old
  8. This one goes to my Fav's! Made my day, thx! You don't mind me asking if you used any hardware on this one?
  9. U know those first vids remind me of Hujaboys's video The People vs. Hujaboy
  10. Amazing find! Now thats what I call oldskool hehee
  11. Very enjoyable music there mate. Haven't listened to ambiental music for quite a while but this is refreshing. Thx for the free download!
  12. Hey longlostar check out the second video on this site http://w33ts-music-tutorial-videos.blogspot.com/ , it shows u some basic mastering and whats it all about. Skip to the end of the video thats when the mastering part starts
  13. Ahh the download speed is pretty slow.. but nm ill fetch it neway
  14. Here's a few Croatian artists: Chryseis Mokk Parrket Shuma hmmm... maybe I'll join the list soon
  15. I'm wondering about the same thing here, as I used the Sonitus FX:Multiband (native plugin in Sonar 6) just for mastering. Are we allowed to use any mastering plugins, the kjaerhus compressor just isnt enuff? :/
  16. Hey I just found this great site, it has 2 (for now) video tutorials, lasting about 2 hours, It's very informative, especially for people who are new to music making. It basically shows you how to make an average 4 minute song in Cakewalk Sonar, how to deal with bass, pads and the likes. It also shows some mastering done with Sony Sound Forge 7. Make sure you check it out: http://w33ts-music-tutorial-videos.blogspot.com/
  17. I was browsing the web, minding my own business when I stomped onto this great video tutorial, check it out! :
  18. Sounds to me like like its a long sustained lead on a simple progression midi pattern (for example a long C5 followed by a long E5, followed by a long D5. dont really know the keys but something like that) with a tremmolo or gate effect, something like vanguards tremmolo, and portamento. There certainly was a filter involved, and some pan effects at the end. Well thats what I think it is, altho it maybe more complex then that. Have fun tryin it out!
  19. Ok. I'm in! I'll try making something in FL Studio and I'll post here when I come up with something. Have fun! (I know I will.)
  20. F*kin groovy track!! NICE, luv it!!
  21. The track goodfeeling-02.mp3 has some potential, but the rest of the album gives me headaches. Ah well, good try NHJO
  22. Thx for the links. Well if thats it ill start makin something, unless there are more rules ofc.
  23. I can't seem to open the links to the percussion packs, are u sure uve typed in the correct url?
  24. Those must be my favourite free plugins, i like the idea of this.
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