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Everything posted by CosmicEquilibrium

  1. http://www.sendspace.com/file/qly4ni
  2. Someone know some plugins "emulating" tribal instruments where we can synthesize the sound?
  3. Yeah SCSI for personal using should be very expensive and unnecessary... but if you already have it like that better for you lol, but sata 2 is sufficient with dual or quad core of pentium, because pentium are leading at the moment...
  4. I think the better idea is have 3 hd or 3 partitions. 1 - For windows, office, anti virus, all programs you need... 2 - For windows, optimized for audio just with you audio tools and DAW's, there you can remove the windows programs and services you don't need, leave in there just SO and audio requirements without tcp/ip, graphics for the best performance, without backup and secure systems, you can tweak all your windows xp with some appropriate tools like nlite. 3- For all your data audio data, docs, movies, mp3, pdf's everyting. Anyway you can remove all your spyware, virus, disable services like system restore security center system, file indexing in all hard drives , do some stuff like search in goodle how to optimize windows xp, i found this site and it helps a a lot check here: http://mywebpages.comcast.net/SupportCD/OptimizeXP.html all the optimize tools you need are there. Anyway if you have sata 2 and one pentium duo core, your machine will fly, and pentium quo core is coming Raid is just for backup i think one home user don't need it, burn some dvd's with your important data and save one more hd for you do what you want []
  5. Can someone help me with basslines for goa using audiorealism bassline or Phoscyon, i use VB-1 too but it is very used, and prefer deferent ones, if you can put here some examples of goa basslines and nice vst's to use for it , some theory about goa bassline can help too Examples for flstudio or cubase, with mastering too. Thanks []
  6. Hey there, can someone be my personal master? eh and teach how to do good goa sounds like the sounds from TB-303 with the emulator of TB-303, audiorealism bass line, i use FLStudio, but i use cubase too, check my quality at the moment it is very poor and i wanna make good music that's why i need help, i wanna make sounds like astral projection, hallucinogen and sounds like the goa gil compilations... Check my last try of one dark trance track: http://www.speedyshare.com/117789410.html Add me in msn miguel.cristo@gmail.com if you have time to help me []
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