My wife and me have a telepathic connection. We first noticed on our first LSD Trip we ever had together. Our third trip was a little higher dosed again and we were able to send and receive telepathic messages. But it´s not the LSD that makes transforms us into telepaths, LSD only shows you what already is there. Regulary our abilty expresses itself in moments we have very often each day, when we notice that we just thought the same at the same time. But when we focus, we´re able to speak telepathically. Although it doens´t work all the time. This way of communication us beyond words, so it´s difficult for me to describe it to you guys.
It´s like talking in words, emotions and mental images at the same time. I´ve always been susceptible to telepathy. I´ve noticed this already on the first LSD Trip i´ve ever had with another person, which was my second one.