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Everything posted by Reznik

  1. and i would say, the differences are very little. if there are any, i think its more urban myth. but if you think, the sound of your host needs more punch, you need to master, for sure, no need to change the host.
  2. download a bittorent client like azureus http://azureus.sourceforge.net/, install, configure properly using http://www.dessent.net/btfaq/ open the torrent, enjoy
  3. you talkin about the .iso you downloaded? you have to burn it on a cd, but you have to name it "RB-338", the cd, i think, otherwies it will not work. im not 100% sure about the name, but you find for sure some help on www.propellerhead.se
  4. ok my friend, to make sure this is a fruity only prob, i suggest you to install a demo of another sequenzer. try ableton live demo could be your version is somehow fucked. you can also call fruity support, why not? if its still the shit, i tend to say your soundcard suxx.
  5. look here, http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=40450 try to help
  6. yeah i know what you mean, i have the same here.
  7. but if you render the track, there are glitches aswell?
  8. fucking shit. i think you messed it up, with installing so many drivers. you need to uninstall/delete all sound drivers properly from your system. asio4all was working at my system i had before. do you have anything like tuneup utilities?
  9. have you selected the asio driver in fl properties. what are your system specs?
  10. yes, but there are two vb-1. one is with red bassguitar and sounds crap, the grey one is it. and sorry snowball, i thought this was the thread of the other dude, who wanted a skazi bass, i was a little sleepy head, lol, you didnt post at isratrance have fun
  11. exactly, what i wanted to tell the dude, theres no recipt. and you can do it with everysynth, choose one you like. i recommended you vb-1 and muon tau pro, cause those are pretty easy and popular.
  12. what is your problem with midi recording? i find it pretty easy.
  13. really it is much more intuitive than other sequencers. i played the guitar in an industrial band, and this prog is the only one that you can think of as a real music production tool. it pushes your creativity. everything keeps playing while you alter it. you so simply record into your track and then automate... i love it. its pure music inside
  14. hp with digital in, not that i know, i also wanted one, but didnt find anything, also the hp would need a dac and a preamp, pretty expensive it would be. no i didnt find single evidence such exist.
  15. yees you got it. i dont think you will need DAT or MD for recording... or do you? and i dont think you will get both cards runnning in one system. its only for cue, you know, and if you take time on ebay you find one md damn cheap. i dunno, think about
  16. the thing is, you need one ch, (with two single outputs, left and right, 1/2) for master. and you need the same for cue. all those cards have 4 outputs, but only two are analog. the other two are analog inputs. so, the 3/4 is on those cards always a digital output. but you need, of course an digital to analog converter (DAC), to use the digital output for cue. i suggested to buy an minidiskdeck, because they are much cheaper then buying an DAC. look here, you will see they are pretty cheap. http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?c...+mds&category0= you can even buy one that doesnt play minidisk anymore, but very important : the one you buy needs to have a monitoring function, that means it has to let you hear the signal that comes in through headphone output. you can just ask the seller if this is working, all you need. then i mentioned toslink, because i think all the minidisk decks have toslink input. its just the connector, you know, the audiophile doesnt have toslink out. but esi juli@ has. understand? its just a cheap way of forming you digital out into analog. or you will need to buy a much more expensive card, with 4 analog outputs. and i develoved myself, on my own .
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