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Everything posted by unikos

  1. thanks mars for taking the time to write all this in detail. despite the "bitterness" left over the closing of the OT, the reasons you state have been discussed before and are perfectly understandable. for the record, even if i still think the OT should be open, i didnt say this is going to turn into a snob scene because you decided you've had enough. it was because of what rino said about me (or US, the OT clique as he put it) have no place in this forum.
  2. i am so impressed by your way of saying things. it makes me (and my clique!!??) appear like such a loser and you like such an important and cool man. congratulations. how was the off topic hindering you and everyone else from talking about psytrance then? especially if you didnt click and visit the OT? iirc there was no continuing spam problem in the general. btw, the original purpose of this site was to get news about psytrance and provide meeting ground for the psy community. the fact people were free to discuss what they wanted and have fun was what made this place different to isratrance and widened its member base. dunno if you were around in the beginning of psynews, but this is what characterised it for years and years. this community is far bigger than the artists, label managers and the few who are yet to get tired of having the same discussions about the mostly crap music. however, if you had the common sense to note where the offtopic people participated in psytrance discussion, you'd see a LOT of people would only comment on the very few threads talking about music as interesting as the music we knew years ago. of course this went unnoticed and you're now labeling these people as outsiders. which is messed up. you are actually happy to form your own "clique"? those people who have been into this scene for 5 or 10 years (and have the audacity to criticise it nowadays and dont spend their "lives" analising kickdrums and production quality for 10 years) are not part of it, or should not be allowed to have everyday discussions in this site, something happening from the beginning until now, according to "your side" (because you people are dividing the people here in sides). no they dont belong in a world dominated by uptight snobs.. cause even if they dont click the link to the OT, these topics somehow magically appear in front of them. there was a day when this scene was about being open to anything and the fans applied a "live and let live" approach to life. now it seems people like to turn it into another snob scene. next thing you're gonna organise parties and ban fluoro clothing. not saying anything like bye or good night or whatever. im not a man of black or white. more like middle ground
  3. since you're glad its gone, i can only think the off topic had done something bad to you in the past yes? but how did this happen? was off topic part of general? no. if you didnt care for the drama you could have stayed in general/away from the off topic at any rate. simple really, all you had to do was to not click the link. did your life have anyting to do with the off topic? did you make real life friends from the off topic? if not, this forum was not as important to you as it was for other people. if yes, its weird you're glad it is gone. btw, congratulations for playing mature and important in life over the internet. not like them unemployed virgin losers in off topic.. and other styles of electronic music have been discussed in the off topic for years. (of course the separate forum could have been created at any point in time, irrespective of the existance of an off topic forum) i dont understand your logic at all. why, was one line of text saying "off topic" in the main forum page too much? its not like people from off topic were invading the general with spam. okay not one topic. many topics about one aspect of this scene, making it a "bannable offense" to talk about other things. thats very neat. i assume this psychedelic trance culture is about the music and just the music. no talkie. like it happens in real life. everybody is in it for the awesome music. nobody goes to festivals for meeting people/making friends, have a laugh, exchange viewpoints, etc. oh wait.. the cultural, spiritual and technology sub forums were an integral part of off topic, with the participants being primarily those who frequented the off topic. keeping those, while getting rid of the main off topic, would be very hypocritical imho. btw, i dont get how the "hacker" only operates if the off topic is working. makes zero sense to me.
  4. this is the most ridiculous thing i've ever seen happening on the internet. bravo.... enjoy talking about psytrance. limiting several hundred members' discussions on one (1) topic never gets old.
  5. also wanted to post this. i've been told that he used some math in writing the music, not just track names. for example, the first note you hear on the album (a high pitched tone) is a constant. but when you hear it its jut like the pitch changes progressively.. of course im in no position to verify any of this - i havent used maths in 7 years
  6. cheers! n/p: travelling it is very good.. pleasant surprise is an understatement!
  7. well of course finding your own way is ..the way. being educated in music will not take this opportunity away from you. and i wasnt talking about a goa music school... just any music school. an analogy i can think of is the architect gaudi. his work is very unique and influential. BUT he would have no chance of actually building all those works of art (imho) if he had not studied architecture (drawing, maths, physics, etc) in a good university..
  8. ^why not? it would be nice to hear or post a link to the whole promo!
  9. a little off topic, but i've often wondered what would happen if some goa producers had the chance to study music in a much more thorough style. maybe attend some really good music school, get proficient in lots of instruments, get to know classical music and all that. of course a lot of producers do have a good background in musical education but there are also many who are self-taught AFAIK. i would really like to see what a very good musician would produce if he was into goa compared to an amateur..
  10. some dubstep manages to escape the chavvy feelings though.. not good with names though. im not that up to date with dubstep.. stoned :clapping:
  11. i will go searching for hackers to hack the hacker......... this hacking business got old 10 yrs ago.
  12. I.nterstelar O.verdrive wasn't so hard... i thought better of you reger no online places no.. only some rare unrlsd killarghs for the select few!
  13. its just that for a moment i said faq it and posted an opinion. i'm not angry or anything. in fact i am smiling the whole day even if its been a relatively rough one anyways, you know some people have been part of psynews for like 7 years. shouldn't there be a deadline after which something stops being "just the internet" and becomes something a little more serious? in the end, the people here know each other IRL as well. btw, janet.. you say you're not so upset about the offtopic, but the truth is you're a forum junky as well see you @ 48hrs.
  14. nemo we have discussed this more than enough in the past. you know i completely understand all your points and agree. also it is obvious you, the mods and ultimately mars (more than anyone) have got tired of trolling. but offtopic is not about trolling. that's why i say point a finger with a last warning and kickban. don't close down the forum, as this is not a solution to anything. (and i like to believe we all know this) if you guys want a holiday from offtopic then just say it and do it. clarify.. if the off topic is going to be scraped for good let us know.
  15. i ve been holding back these days. but i cant help but voice my opinion. so i think this move by mars SUCKS. no, it doesnt simply suck. it is outright disrespectful to all of us who have been frequenting this site for ages. disrespecting the same people who generate revenue nowadays for this site by reloading offtopic with its google ads every so often. and no. i dont think 1 month off is okay so the hacking mofo will get bored. because 1st it seems this is actually part of a string of attacks in similar websites, so no proof it was someone from offtopic, 2nd do you really think if a member of the offtopic wanted to get revenge he/she wouldnt come back in the end of the month? or simply take down the whole site and not link a virus ad / whatever ? how exactly is this a revenge attack? not that it matters. you are just discriminating against the offtopic. as ridiculous as this may sound, you are actually doing it. there was a hack and an opportunity presented itself. shut down the offtopic and maybe a couple of the new members will leave. why dont you just ban whoever you dont like? and please dont come here saying i am oblivious to fact A or B, since there was basically no other explanation offered here. what are we supposed to make of this situation? i am not provoking. not picking a fight. just voicing the opinion that i've formed about all this. if there will be a reply to my post in the likes of an army lieutenant... it will just reaffirm what i have been speculating about in this post.
  16. i really wouldnt remember how many they are. one track is called part10. however i dont recall ever seeing 10 i.o. tracks anywhere
  17. i second od's proposal. get lots and lots of beer
  18. another interstellar overdrive thread.. it is two greeks behind this project, i have the pleasure of meeting them and so i have some info. AFAIK, they are somehow "afraid" of releasing music. the only release i know of is in the second samothraki comp i believe, a track under the "prisma" project. then.. some older tracks have circulated over the net. (i seem to have lost my copies and i hate this cause they're so damn amazing). i believe it was 3 or 4 parts (not named in order) that were going around the internet. all in the same style, psychedelic to the bone, giving you a strong urge to dance, etc.. these tracks are quite old.. i wouldnt know exactly how old but at least pre-2000, possibly quite more. but like i said the guys never got real interested in the prospect of signing under a label and releasing, despite receiving offers. i know they are still into making music (or at least up to it until very recently) and they seem born to be musicians. i dont know if there will be any releases in the future. and for historic purposes, they have played a live set in the first samothraki festival. i missed the live but everyone present was speaking with the best possible words. never heard of any other interstellar overdrive appearance since. they've kind of become a legend i guess.. edit: funny note, a couple that was about to get married was researching them on psynews some time ago and i wrote the same info. they wanted to contact them and ask them to play in their wedding. but as you will have realised by now, they said thanks but turned down the offer.
  19. this morning: vangelis - bladerunner
  20. baba zula rocks so much. too bad i didnt see them live last year, i feel guilty now! anyways not much i could recommend but be sure to check this thread out (esp. for el brujo's recommendations) edit: lol.. the vid actually has the poster of baba zulas concert in athens. it was 03/08 not last year
  21. bob marley - african herbsman
  22. exactly this and music that's made its impression from when i was little, some classical like mozart, beethoven, liszt, shubert, even rachmaninoff guns n roses pink floyd vangelis jmj then a lot of dnb and rave mixes
  23. the myspace player isnt working no more. i think we crashed it i listened to 2 of the tracks before though. excellent !
  24. awesome!! was just re-listening to lost entertainment yesterday and was wondering if anything new would be coming up. this made my day
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