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Everything posted by unikos

  1. i absolutely adore "puerto rico":wub: i think i ve been humming it once a day for the past 10 years
  2. im afraid you must i got this very release from psyshop..
  3. i get it you already know of the mystery of the yeti 1&2 ? i'm still in love with that.. i ve gone to sleep the last three nights with hallucinogen - the herb garden playing
  4. hehe im listening to a karakaksa.. hummingbird in english?? cant decide what i should listen to. i want something dark-ish, idm-ish with apocalyptic feelings. recommendations?
  5. agree with everybody.. i'd love to hear something else (or the same track) with a bit more happening on the trancey FX side but thats just what "I" would prefer. this track made an impression.. i love ambient and so does my flatmate. i played it to him and said hey this is a nice track. he replied "yep it is indeed. whose is it?" so two more thumbs up from here
  6. listening to the sound of silence. so im gonna put on the sound of silence edit: if you dont understand my post, im afraid you re not hippy enough to be here and must leave
  7. vibrasphere - lime structure
  8. thanks taika... i already got some of your stuff, mui excellente!
  9. it worked.. man the track is awesome.. really. im all for these darkish atmospheres.. very mystical and gothic indeed ; ) i cant find any weak points.. yes maybe you could scrap or shorten the long break mid-ways (although i love it when the track re-starts) and maybe make the track a bit more varied. but it really works the way it is now and i would only praise this track if i heard it on some compilation.. love the style... amygdala's track was darkish too, but yours is also more industrial-influenced. keep em coming
  10. both links are expired.. im starting to dislike yousendit....
  11. cant download the track, there's something wrong with the link
  12. etnica.. just because i can listen to everything and like it 100%. all three kick ass though ..not that i play this kind of music too often these days
  13. i ve seen a lot of people and touch almost as many
  14. there is no chance you ll have problem getting in coffeeshops. even if you are totally unlucky and someone asks you for id, there are approximately 1000 more coffeeshops you can go to. the only one i recommend is bluebird (find it on your map). decent prices, decent quality and you get a menu with samples of everything.. so you dont select at random and dont get into a fight with whoever is on the till becasue you keep asking can i see this? can i see that?, etc.. i ve been there 5 times.. stayed in hotels and hostels.. all i know is that accomodation is expensive. i honestly wouldnt mind staying in the street overnight than paying 50 euro a night. (only works in summer though) i have been there in winter as well (cold winter with snow too) and i ended up spending all my money on an expensive hotel. but i think its worth it. if you gonna pay lets say 25 euro per night for a shitty prison-like hostel and a comfy hotel room is priced at 35, id go for the hotel. also remember that you will probably spend most time in the hotel room (too wasted to go outside), so see it as an investment ; ) apart from all that.. there are 2 things i insist visitors to the dam should do: 1. rent a bicycle. there is a store right inthe centraal station (and others in the city obviously) Gives you a very nice outlook of the city and amsterdaam is THE city for cycling. just stay out of the trams and cars way.. hehe ; ) 2. bring a stereo (or portable speakers) with you. its gonna be too late when you realise being stoned with no music playing is boring ! ! !
  15. fucking scooters!
  16. the soundtrack of la haine...
  17. 1. Khetzal - Corolle 2. Jaia - Fiction
  18. it could have been a lot better, but in the absence of any other (im not aware of any), its the best psytrance videoclip which "tries to make the viewer to question authority"* that i have seen yet... i dont have as high expectations as others in this thread *at least that the point i think they tried to make..
  19. im gonna third that!!
  20. fyi there is another prisma who have released only one track... prisma
  21. of course!! and not only true.. macrometasomacosmos rocks.. and basically all his work rocks so much! (i think i keep agreeing with u about ubar tmar in these threads ) and there is a lot of underrated music to be found in the many releases of psy-harmonics.. their sound of course is not psytrance (since many years now) but there are some worthy trance stuff.. and of course newer masterpieces like shaolin wooden men - supermindway.. that is one psychedelic album
  22. what about ololiuqui - reverse engineering ? anyone got it? i m sure i ve mentioned it before since its one of my favs...
  23. now could some members please stop posting crap on threads commemorating the dead? have you guys lost all your respect towards anything? just ignore the damn r.i.p. threads.. LOOK AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER "people die every day".. yes we know. but people whose music you ve listened to many times or that have made tracks that remind you of special moments dont die every day.. sorry for showing pity and compassion.
  24. pity.. may he rest in peace -or go someplace better ; ) i havent heard much of his music, but jam&spoon were just legendary! i got a friend who holds them in heroic status - he ll be devastated
  25. gonna put this on right away might be sounding a bit housey as u say, but its a very nice album! still psychedelic to me
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