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Everything posted by unikos

  1. yes its just like that ! (we even managed to be fairly civilised in psynews topic in offtopic forum) i think its got to do with the famous cozy psynews fireplace - it surely makes you feel at home
  2. at around 1.30 there s a nice synth coming in but but i cant hear it no more.. wait i can oh no it s gone again ; ) enjoyed this quite a lot, i think that ukiro correctly points out anything ''wrong' ! and yes post bak when it s done
  3. fourth here.. what about a reprint ? ?
  4. hmm somehow i ve totally skipped this release ! i ll try to find it when i come back 2 greece ; ) cheers ormion
  5. it s safe to say this thread is the best example of bad use of webspace goa is music pop is music house is music classical is music etc emotions are embedded in artists' creations. Its up to you to unravel them and understand them for example why do you think it s said that '' artist's X 4th album is much more mature than his 3rd''? because when you create music a piece of your soul gets stuck on it, you can tell if someone was in a happy period of his life or if he has matured, etc, etc if u dont get this, maybe you are also this bad acid head type of person? and like someone else said it depends on what u listen to. for example try listening to lets say led zeppelin and your friends amature rock band and try to see what kind of emotions each one manages to get through...
  6. btw i might be able to get u small discount in a sex shop just off fuencaral! although i dont think you gonna ask for it ; ) and there s something u must know ritual, you MUST try a paelia.. especially the one with fish, etc... i ate one of these in an old school restaurant for old people in gran via and it just rocked paellia de amariscos ? ?
  7. all this talk about classics and no mention of sandman's work.... i d say that at least witchcraft should be given red status (havent checked if it actually has)
  8. nice to see that twisted ''adopted'' the video.. i remember that gomez, the creator, had no rights to the music - ofcourse it is only extremely promotional for shpongle ; )
  9. of course im not gonna argue about retiro park with someone who sure knows more about the subject than i do, but from info i ve gathered from other people as well you shoul be safe if u just play it a *bit* knowledgeable.. besides, spanish folk have it so good that what they describe as a ''rip off'' might actually be a fairly good deal! ; )
  10. just a comment for all the sample/legal status talk... leaving EP put of this (because its his job), i m amazed to see that so many psytrancers actually pay attention to the law..
  11. i was in madrid in february excellent city ! unfortunately there s not much i can tell you like places to go etc.. there seems to be no rave scene -forget psytrance if you re looking for a smoke just go to retiro park and you ll probably have no problem working something nice out ; ) other than that, the city is perfect for exploring and walking around the whole day.. i remember that the ''hip'' area is around plaza dos del mayo where there r some nice restaurants bars etc.. of course this is a big area not just around the plaza.. now dont ask me for big clubs because i didnt bother looking for any... I bet that you ll get more tips by spanish psynewers.... Have lots of fun there!! p.s. how come you re not passing by barcelona?? been there many years ago but still remember how beautiful it is... edit: try to put this on the travel talk forum.. its more appropriate and maybe you ll get more answers!
  12. cinos:Goa generally doesn't have many emotions... in fact, I can't recall any goa track that has touched me on the emotional level. ???? but how can this be? have you really listened to goa?? i mean to me it s like the whole genre was made to transmit emotions.. anyway, tasted differ, perceptions differ!
  13. for me its etnica.. the juggling alchemist.. or equator of course i have to agree with spiritual healing. you cant get more emotional than that
  14. most of skazis tunes agree on pleiadians and hallucinogen classics also other oldies are just *perfect* for example sandman- ghost rider (i think this is the track-not 100% sure, but anyone who knows sandman its track 4 from witchcraft- the one that makes you have 1000s of gousebumps for a full minute) most intelligent stuff i ve heard recently comes from penta.... at least IMO
  15. worst year.... IMO the greek saying ''Kathe persi kai kalitera'' (=each last year and better) fit in ! i hope im wrong though...
  16. i like them. . i really liked their album when i first heard it, almost all of it. not the pop-sounding tunes. But i lost it and havent heard it for a long time. I bet it sounds quite dated, to the point u kinda lose interest. .
  17. well i havent heard too much of his work, only 5 albums and i only have one so i couldnt definately say if its ambient or not. Its certainly isnt ambient in the brian eno way- not even remotely. But judging from when he started releasing, there propably werent so many music categories as today - so everything like that was ''ambient''. it wasnt rock, pop, goth, psyrock or whatever... i have no clue what gear he used.. /he has released tons of stuff but i guess he was just one of those exceptionally creative and productive musicians that are rare. .
  18. if you want to earn your living through your music and you dont get paid it kind of sucks doesnt it ? (provided you were told that you d get paid) on the other hand i know that a lot of artists (esp. not the ''superstar djs'') would be happy if their payment was a return plane ticket, food, shelter and some joints or beer or something i also believe its a good deal actually. travel for free, play a set, enjoy a party, promote your music...
  19. look at the first post it says free entrance ; ) hehe my friend was not the rastaman...
  20. im not in athens ....... ritual, did u guys also do a similar party near sigru maybe 1,2 years ago? i had missed that one but two friends went and had a very good time!
  21. because we like to win. even if theres no contest, we like to win ! I WON!
  22. its a party .. i can only guess its on the following saturday night, but i cant be positive! im sure that its organised by a bunch of oldskool lovers and not an ''official'' party team. So they are playing.. meaning no known dj will spin, which as far as i m concerned makes it even more interesting
  23. lepton your avatar is from the odd harmonic album right? well that is surely psychedelic and it s got breaks ; )
  24. i ll be all june/july in greece, come to my place we make our own festivals ! seriously, if you re not gonna travel overseas any other time - why waste your one big tiring and expensive travel by going to parties? i agree its gonna be totally killer going to 5 festivals but what will you think in 10 years? oh god how stupid i was to not go visit any culturally important sites or civilisations different than mine.. <--- this is what u ll be thinking.. you got parties in australia too ; )
  25. that is good news i even thought that the authorities closed it down or something.. it dissapeared one day!
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