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Everything posted by unikos

  1. thanks for the link
  2. can't remember listening to anything better in the genre for years.. actually khetzal -and penta- must be my current favorites although i dont listen to their stuff too often!
  3. bad timing is all i have to say.. i would really like to go and especially to see palyrria live (missed them before) but at the same time my team is playing in the euroleague semifinal. saturday same team is playing the greek footie cup final. and sunday hopefully pao will play and win the euroleague final. so yeah... if you happen to support pao and like watching sports... chances are you wont be in the protestival.. edit: post #5000 ! woohoo
  4. not bad AT ALL...
  5. yes.. honestly very touching, i didnt know any of this
  6. thats ok, you can delete his comments, i dont mind anyway.

  7. no.. its just that nobody cares about me.

    even charlie was only responding to you :(

  8. trying to find a way to "do" both events... must persuade some really lazy mates first!!
  9. worked the same for me... couldnt stand etnica, then one day i listened to their 3 first albums. then listened once more. i didnt know why i never saw the brilliance before - such a weird feeling!
  10. do you delete your comments?

  11. orbital - funny break on the radio.. the station djs are having a good day.
  12. regarding juno's cinematic feeling.. has anyone else noticed the bladerunner influences? after watching their live at glade last year it really became apparent juno loves bladerunner, or to put it better they are sort of reproducing the unique atmosphere of bladerunner in their own way.. if the music alone is not enough to "believe" me watch the dancers. their dress, make-up, etc... in topic, really looking forward to this one. as is the custom these days there are no expectations. wait and see...
  13. i really disagree....... maybe 10% of the melodies are high pitched and epic-style. the other 90% isnt and the whole album has a mystic feeling. its not remotely close to stuff i'd personally label as cheese.. especially compared to other stuff out there... for me talpa manages to step into the braindance spectrum a bit.. whereas cheese doesnt even get me in the silly dance spectrum
  14. royksopp - what else is there i love the female vocals, i confess. still, royksopp have some pretty cool tunes
  15. i sooo want to be there (and go to nearby samothraki for a few days too)
  16. that's more reasonable hehe... btw, maybe this will be useful for you if you don't know already: access all areas they have pretty much all parties happening over there.
  17. ermm you would travel to another country to see infected mushroom and astrix ?
  18. now i've listened to it a couple of times i can say i like the atmosphere of the track, my taste is for even a little more dirty sounds these days individual sounds/rhythms are definitely cool, yet not perfect of course. what the track could use is some more atmosphere changes to stop it from getting boring (its 9 minutes..) good effort i'd say, especially since i know you wrote it in one sitting. the track now is okay but perhaps if you re-engage someday you could improve it mucho... keep 'em coming
  19. I know. Selfish fucking bastards!!!

  20. i'm listening to all i want right now. i like it and i think the pink floyd influence is dominant
  21. i was somewhere in that tent!
  22. the following is not a rant.. ment in good spirit how can someone not like aphex? i mean taste should be beyond this, since so many people from diverse musical backgrounds consider his style to be "the best" or close i think you guys most probably haven;t paid enough attention or only listened to his stuff in a weird, not fitting mood. same goes for fsol, etc. the only reason i'm typing this is that you are probably unaware of (or better: don't appreciate for different reasons) a whole new world of amazing music i would give one more listen to apheks' selected ambient works !!
  23. not a complaint, but why is this psynews gathering thread closed?
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