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Everything posted by frek

  1. if you are gonna get a compressor. pay the extra $$ and get a tube vacuum compressor. warms your sound like liquid passing through hot pipes
  2. jak sa mas pahana? dobre? ja neviem rospravat moc czechu/slovak. ja som slovak. z trencinu. teraz ja som v australia.. anywayz, i liked your track heaps, like they said, nice and dark.. but i like the backgound noises the best.. Mr Peculiar? you know him? i've seen him play he's really good. (as you know, no doubt) anyway best of luck. i like your sound, hope to hear more from you down the line
  3. Hey i agree all the way.. Why should you have to spend $$$ to keep up software sequencers? it doesnt make sense.. I have very little experience with Cubase, but i know that a lot of people who have used cubase have switched to either Sonar or Logic for midi work, and just use Cubase to master audio.. My old specs kept one midi instrument in sync with Fruityloops barely. SB Live has no ASIO drivers, which make working with Midi almost impossible.. I upgraded about 2 months ago and got myself P4 3g, 1Gb Ram, 80G hard drive, Audiophile 2496 running on Windows XP Professional When using FLoops, for example, I need to have the master midi synced to the Audiophile Midi, otherwise bits fall behind sometimes (similar to your basslines falling out of time towards the end).. Also, are you daisy chaining your midi in/outs? I know you have a midi sport, but if you have more than 2 synths in one chain, then you may have syncing problems no matter what your specs are.. know what i mean? like i have my soundcard midi OUT going into my bass station IN. my bass station THRU goes to my MS2k IN, as well as using my bass station CV/GATE OUT into my 101 CV/GATE IN's... hmmm.... i dunno how i can help you. i hope some of what i said might help.. otherwise when i get pissed off that nothing is working, i just reformat my computer and reinstall everything (although i usually lose a lot of files) Anywayz Good Luck again, all the best
  4. Hey all music makers.. I'm new to psynews and noticed a lot of people here are making tracks. I've been making psychedelic music for only about 1-2 years. I started writing on rebirth and then found fruityloops. Now my set-up is: Sequencing and Mastering PC– P4 3ghz, using FL Studio 4.5.2, Ableton Live! 4.0 and CoolEdit Pro VST– V-Station, NI FM7, PR8 Superwave, reFX PlastiCZ Running through a M-Audio Audiophile 2496 Hardwares Korg MS2000BR Novation Bass-Station Rack Roland SH-101 Running into a Yamaha MG16/4 Pretty minimalistic but I have found that to be a good thing. My next purchase is going to be *finally* the Nord Lead 2X. Thats by far the best psy trance synth i've ever heard (exception of the Nord Modular–which contains a NL2X)... So care to share yours? Whats your best instrument? Whats next on your list? Whats your most regretable purchase? Shout outs to the Briz Vegas psysters...
  5. Hey nemo, I reckon Live would be best for you because its really good for recording midi patterns live and changing the song on the fly your specs seem a lil weak, but midi is just a *tiny* lil bit of info so i see no reason why a computer that can do x million operations per second has probs with such a small bit of info like midi; where as the 20 year old atari se's are rock solid. weird huh? I had the same prob on my old setup (pc, celeron 800, 513mb ram, sb live card with front panel) I recently got an Audiophile 2496, which keeps my bass station, ms2000 and sh-101 tight as a motherfucker... i think maybe an upgrade is due? got any large sums of cash you forgot about? Good luck. Its a long and frustrating road. I evetually made it and found Live and, wow.
  6. I am using FL Studio 4.5.1 to do all my basic Midi sequencing, then I export the midi sequences and import them into AbletonLive 4.0 where I record the Midi sequences as Audio tracks and then put effects on them and rearrange slightly to get out of the 'grid'.. I think if you are going to play live, and you want to make each song different, use Live for all your main sequencing...
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