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  1. The Infinity Project - Wow (from TIP Blue, 1996)
  2. Hey Sanjiva ! Sanjiva sounds very indian ... are you indian or just taking an indian name as a deco-artist ? I was in India a few years ago .. The culture and the people are both interesting and friendly. I lived for three months in a small village 250 km from Bombay. Living, or just staying in a different culture for some time, changes one's life and thinking. Wow , got deep there. If you're not indian, forget what I wrote ... erhh .. Well ... your mandalas !!!! wow ... double-wow !!! I am impressed to the max !!! And handpainted too !!! great stuff ... only the paint for a large backdrop/painting must cost a fortune ?? doesn't color that reflects ultraviolet lighting cost hell-a-lot ? Or are there cheap ways, tricks or such too ? I am thinking about making some simple backdrops for a party, do you have any suggestions/hints ?? That Flower of Life pattern to see how one can paint symmetrically is a great idea, I guess they use that in India , when making these mandalas on the floors with sand in various colors. David, Sweden
  3. Here you'll find my latest music... Some say it's oldschool psy, some say it's good, some say it's pure crap ... You decide for yourself =) ... and feel free to contact me DeeJay Jones My Psytrance Demo
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