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Everything posted by Moai

  1. physical: cd or vinyl (But i need a vinyl player^^).. I prefer the vinyl sound and feeling over CD. files: flac. the idea of lossless quality but half the size of a wave is nice. Otherwise mp3 VBR V0 physical vs files: The convenience of storing your music in a library for fast easy access is appealing more than CD/vinyls etc..
  2. Thanks for your comment! As far as I know Psy-house is kind of unexplored area. So if anyone know any artist, please tell me too I know Shakta did some progressive house / trance blends with psychedelic elements in Feed The Flame. Absorbed is a very nice track!! There exist alot of progressive house and minimal that sounds maybe not psychedelic but alot trancy and trippy. Here is a few i love: Ricardo Tobar, Petter, James Holden, Nathan Fake (Border Community Label) Soliquid MOS Moonbeam Motion Extrawelt Stephan Bodzin etc. Go to beatport to have a listen
  3. Judging from that track, the 'Grandfathers' are back! So far this album seems alot more interesting than Amen.. an album that sucked in every way.
  4. Interesting !!! That seemed like a killargh! there is hope for goa!
  5. I didnt mean Ulysse .... i meant Phototropic. From what i know no part 2 was ever released
  6. What track is this?? The one before Mahadeva.. In beginning. http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=qnd38m7Ag38&...feature=related Awesome stuffs!!!
  7. Check out deedrah on myspace. He have a "part 2" of Phototropic there quite nice!
  8. Okay, here is direct downloads to the mp3s. ^^ http://www.moai.se/moai_fullmoon_part_i_sample.mp3 http://www.moai.se/moai_fullmoon_part_ii_sample.mp3
  9. Full Moon Part II sample is up on Myspace and our website! www.myspace.com/moaimusic
  10. Maybe producers are doing other music because Goa-trance need some new inventions. We heard the same old 303' sound for 15 years soon. Time for evolution! Hope the suntrip guys can pull something new that will still have the goa spirit intact!!
  11. narrowminded guyz !!
  12. Full Moon Part II almost ready, and so far, its real agressive psychedelia, Pleiadians style!
  13. You can now listen to the track in high quality on our own website: http://www.moai.se Please give some feedback
  14. Thanks
  15. Full Moon Part 1 available streaming at our myspace now. http://www.myspace.com/moaimusic For higher quality stream: check our Last.fm: http://www.last.fm/music/moai
  16. Track got so long that i will remake them and split up in 2 parts.
  17. Just did an update on design for our MySpace page. Will also launch a new website soon with few new trax for d/l.
  18. MOAI presents FULL MOON part I & part II. Imagine an exotic beach in the tropicals, with a glorious full moon lightening up the spirit of a huge open air party. :posford: Full Moon Part I Online genre: progressive / deep House with Goa influences http://www.moai.se/moai_fullmoon_part_i_sample.mp3 Full Moon Part II Coming soon.. genre: Progressive Goa-Trance http://www.moai.se/moai_fullmoon_part_ii_sample.mp3 MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/moaimusic Last.Fm: http://www.last.fm/music/moai Official website: http://www.moai.se Enjoy!!
  19. Well, send in send back have alot of symphony and atmosphere, although its pretty melancholic/dark there too. Minusman album is more hard, dirty banging techno. I listened again: 01 Schmerzverstärker A bit slow and mainly distorted rythms and basslines. Kind of boring track. C+ 02 Minusman Awesome, just awesome! Builds up a great rythm on that distorted bassline. Meditative stuff. And then comes in a melody that sound typically midi miliz / Spirallianz style. A- 03 Evernet This track is fast banging 4 on the floor techno. Tight short fast paced techno loops, then a simple main synth lead carries the track all the way. A bit better than 01 but didnt caught my attention so much. Would probably alot better for dancing than listening. B- 04 Nightmares & Dreamscapes (backstream) Slow muffled dark rythm accompanied by horror atmosphere and symphonies. Typical dark style of Delta. Although I only liked the atmosphere and melodies. I didnt dig the beat so much. B- 05 Midnight Circulator Remix This is one of my fav tracks on the album. I have owned the original for a while and i always digged the sinister melodies and wondered how it would sound with dance floor beat. The bpm is real high and hard drums, similar to "The Delta - WARP" track. A- 06 Overpressure Remix Really dark and fast tribal stuff. No melodies, just pure rythms. I figure it works quite nice on the dance floor. B- 07 The Machines This is the best track on the album!!! Sound for me is typical Midi Miliz. deep kick, great rythms and then after a while, comes in dark broodling synth melodies. In the end it even becomes a bit melancholic with another layer of melodies accompanied by the energized beat. A killer!!! A+ 08 As A Child I Could Walk On The Ceiling (Remix) One of the better trax on this album. This sounds like a progressive remix of "As A Child I Could Walk On The Ceiling". Intro starts out with a great ambience that takes you back to the nostalgics of SCHIZOEFFECTIVE, and then comes in a progressive beat that builds up slowly. Then suddenly after a break and some familiar vocals you can feel it getting year 99 all over again. Very Old school Delta but still have something fresh over it. A- 09 Dust Buster Another one of those hard rythm fast bpm techno songs, with a dark slow broodling synth in the background. It builds up slowly with rather weak kick, and then after a quick break, all hell breaks loose! Great stuffs. B+ 10 Warp (Megamix) The warp track was released earlier on an EP i think, so I heard this one before. It fits very well into the theme of this album. This is one of the best for me along with child, the machines, midnight circulator and minusman! This is real hard stuffs that evolves with some epic "The delta" pads to set an atmospheric mood. Then after a break comes a great melody in, and then the dancefloor is elevated with the beat coming in again with a dirty distorted sidechained mid-bass synth melody. Bravo! :clapping: A+ 11 Nightmares & Dreamscapes This track adds to Kind of like a ladder down to more calm stuffs from the recent techno havoc. 12 H.o.B DOWNHILL IS BACK!! Omg i love this style !! I hope Downhill can release another album in the future. Their stuff is so atmospheric, beautiful and unique. The feeling i get while listening to this track is almost like one of those dark Tim Burton movies. This track is equally as good as the one who ended "SEND IN ... SEND BACK". A trip-hop/down-tempo techno-beat accompanied by great symphony makes this track a perfect ending of the dark journey of MINUSMAN. Then it is a long silence... and behold.. A BONUS TRACK! I wont spoil about this one. Find out for yourselves A+ Some tracks is Top-notch Killarghs, but some dragged it down and the album is not as solid and cinematic as for example "SEND IN .. SEND BACK". I think I'd give this album a strong B+ - I really want to know if it was only Marcus who worked on this album or did Arne and Wayan help too? Because in some tracks i can really get the Midi miliz / Extrawelt / Spirallianz feeling
  20. Send in send back is by far the best album for me. :drama: Its complete meditation! A journey that takes you to deep places far away. I saw them once live. One of the most amazing stuffs ever. And i listened to the whole of Minusman. I like some tracks a bit (Minusman, Warp and that remix of the fuzzion track), but mostly its too dark and hard for me. I prefer Extrawelt ^^
  21. Hello ^^ This is not actually Goa / Psy-trance but if you like EDM in general im sure you can enjoy this. Recently I started a sideproject called "Zentre" with a friend. We produce mostly House / Mnml / Electro and that kind of stuff so you've been warned. For the latest track called "Midnight Drive" we were inspired by modern progressive house blended with the sound of the nostalgic 80's. You can listen to the track at our myspace profile: http://www.myspace.com/zentre Feedback is greatly appreciated! Cheers, Moai www.moai.se
  22. Thanks! ^^ For more Goa trax, we have alots but they are not released or finished. But Im almost finished with a new track that have old school style melodies blended with the new neo-trance style. If any label is interested in releasing our stuff, please mail at info@moai.se
  23. Hmm Wasnt it Out Of Orion who was supposed to release it? Because they contacted me with a contract about the track Liquid Blue Vision. I guess this CD will never be released. (T_T) By the way, MOAI is still active under same name: http://www.psynews.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=52966
  24. Troublemaker, as the title implies, is supposed to be a bit daring and funny! I think it succeeded. ^^ Im glad you liked it! As for Liquid Blue Vision, was supposed to be released on label "Out Of Orion" on the VA - Another Demention. It was part of a deal with the winning tracks on a Contest here on psynews.org. Sadly it never got released since the company closed down. Still, that VA have some great tracks, I got the Mp3 somewhere on a disc here. It would be nice if it could get released someday somehow, Suntrip perhaps?
  25. Well they didnt make goa for so many years did they?.. from 94 to 97?? And theyve been doing full-on crap music for far longer time. Its basically about making money I guess. Back in the days Deedrah were very experimental but i dont see that in today's production of Deedrah and Absolum and ive seen both live. Its mostly dancefloor killer$ with the basic sound setup. So boring and predictable. I agree that artifact is better, but i still like Shakta's stuff. And i appreciate Shakta's progressive house tracks alot! He is a top notch producer.
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