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About maako

  • Birthday 02/08/1974

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  1. Hehe.. I'm fine thank you. Working hard every day. I'm finally out of the teaching business and gone into the business .. business. Woking at another office now, started there just last week. So how about them stick dudes?
  2. I can draw stick figures, stick houses and really cool stick cars. They might look kind of 2Dish, but they will really stand out if I use my set of 36 different colored Crayolas! I'm also really good in morphing. Imagine this; a cool stick dude standing in the desert (I'm really good in 3D deserts), then I just add boobs and all of a sudden he's a hot babe! That is if you want cool dudes morphing to hot babes.. I can do other things too, cats, dogs, spaceships, pyramids, gay love and a wide array of cool things. But I'm running low on black color, so most of the time I use really dark blue or brown.. Also, my yellow is a little bluish (from all them beautiful suns I can make make). Check out some of my stuff and the great feedback here: http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=irule So what are you waiting for? Pick me!! Edit: Typo-typo..
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