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Everything posted by dendy

  1. 01. Black Hole 10:16 [137 bpm] 02. Storm 07:32 [143 bpm] 03. Virus of Life 07:23 [137 bpm] Artist: Ray Subject Release name: Black Hole Storm EP Release date: 08.10.2014 Cover Art: DJ Ypsylon Label: Goa Records Catalogue number: GOAEP148 Tracks: 3 #Beatport http://www.beatport.com/release/black-hole-storm/1387489 #PsyShop http://www.psyshop.com/shop/Downloads/gre/gre1dw947.html #FollowArtist http://www.facebook.com/ray.subject.psytrance #FollowLabel http://www.facebook.com/GoaRecords
  2. Hello, i release new patchbank for Nanostudio. Electron Eden https://sellfy.com/p/qqAl/ Eden synth bank, 64 patches DEMO: short tracks: http://www.soundcloud.com/ray_subject/electron-eden-nanostudio-eden pads: http://www.soundcloud.com/ray_subject/electron-eden-pads-nanostudion leads: http://www.soundcloud.com/ray_subject/electron-eden-leads-nanostudio bass: http://www.soundcloud.com/ray_subject/electron-eden-bass-nanostudio drums&fx: http://www.soundcloud.com/ray_subject/electron-eden-drums-fx MORE INFO / BUY: https://sellfy.com/p/qqAl/ Bank is aimed to electronic music, but some patches are strongly influenced by my psytrance roots :-) Also my previous bank 'Elements of Psytrance' is currently (for limited time) available with 40% discount here : https://sellfy.com/p/QBEG/-PONEERD40/
  3. Hello, I'm proudly to present my first patchbank. It's designed for Nanostudio (iPhone/iPad DAW), and it's aimed for psytrance. Short info: + 64 eden patches + 16 psytrance kicks loaded in TRG pads + 3 demo projects included in package DEMO: https://soundcloud.com/ray_subject/sets/psyelements-of-nanotrance MORE INFO / BUY: https://sellfy.com/p/QBEG/
  4. ... album no longer available for free download, check raysubject at bandcamp.com ...
  5. new track ... enjoy it Ray Subject - Back in Time thanks for any feedback
  6. i used nord lead 2 for ALL sounds (except of kick drum & percussions & hihats) in this track (also for bassline ;-) http://raysubject.dendy.sk/music/mp3-download/ track called "RED WONDER"
  7. thanks for all feedbacks and positive reactions, thanks for small criticism too.. thanks for all :-) i'm very happy when people like my lovely "childs" :-)
  8. few my latest tracks, here they are in full lenght - 256kBit mp3 quality ... every comments are welcome... and if you are a DJ and you like my tracks, freel free to use them in your set, only write me here info "i played your track XY at party ZY", thanks :-) ray_subject-why_not ray_subject-who_knows ray_subject-sweet_disco ray_subject-pheromone_pulse. ray_subject-dawn_of_gods ray_subject-farewell_in_eternity
  9. http://raysubject.dendy.sk/mp3/16.ray_subject-why_not.mp3 enjoy it :-) _______________________ all my tracks + promo set : http://raysubject.dendy.sk/?dir=mp3
  10. thanks:) best if you write what is in your opinion not so good :-) because i like this kind of comments because they make me be better and create better tracks
  11. sounds good, i like this style, synths are OK but melodies, i think, are a little bit "random-like" or what - i can't catch some main motive or central point of track.. but it's not bad, only i think there will be good some "main-energy-pupming" motive ... and bassline, imho, is little bit stereo-positioned - my sugestion - put it directly to center and remove some chorus or stereo widening which it have.. becasue now you have everything moved to stereo but in center of track is almost nothing except of kick ..
  12. hm.. any comments, critics, anything ?
  13. Very interesting track, bassline is great.. kickdrum could be more "punchy" but it's not bad.. hi-tuned synth which comes at 1:29 is very good, but maybe you could add some another synth's & FX's to make track more variable and evolving .. but as i see, track have onlyu 2:44 length so i think it's only preview, it isn't ?
  14. NICE TRACK, GOOD WORK ! I like bassline, it is wery well tuned Synth, which comes 2:12 is fine !! Great atmosphere, nice pads, track is full of energy and positive feel.. i LiKE your work, respect bro.
  15. Here are ALL my tracks from my "ray subject" project.. feel free to download them and write some feedbacks thanks.. http://raysubject.dendy.sk
  16. 23.06.-25.06.2006 HILL TOP festival 2006 Organiser: Hill top family & Bizarreproject Place: Slatinka pri Zvolene Live act: ZION (Ajuca Rec./ISR) BLACK & WHITE (Homega Rec./ISR) DEVIANT SPECIES (Ambivilant Rec./UK) MENDALLION vs MAD CONTRABENDER (Medium Rec./NL) GALACTIKA (Millenium Rec./D) MINDELIGHT (Phonokol Rec./MEX) RAHATMATIX (Cosmic Dance/SK) RAY SUBJECT (Bizarreproject/SK) YAROO (Mental Light/SK) live drums special by DAN-DAN (ISR) DJ's: Energizer(Isr) Alpha (D) DICA (D) Dolphin (HU) Tsubi (HU) Atati (UA) Petrix (UA) Pax (MACEDONIA) Rawe (CZ) Martyzan(CZ) Aiko (CZ) Gubo (SK) Pyramid (SK) Harihara (SK) Stafa (SK) Shaila (SK) Psychoza (SK) Medicus (SK) Smeagol (SK) & Others Chillout: Ear drum crew (Live band/SK) Comp&neros (Live band/SK) HerQ (BizarreProject/HU) Pumpui (Pumpui/HU) Psyla (Mystical Wave/CZ) Flipik (BizarreProject/SK) Kapca (Psyalaska/SK) Psygor(Psyalaska/SK) and Others VJ: Visual Division of Trancedelic Family, Dumo and special magical show by Panther Patrik (HU) Dekorácie: Elemental(CZ),Cy-bo funk (CZ), Fluorobotanics (CZ), Transkarpatia (UA), Psyalaska (SK), Hill top family a Bizarreproject (SK) and Others Info: entrance: 550 Sk | all infos at http://www.isotoxin.com/hilltopfestival/
  17. hm.. no one comment ? it seems like nobody likes this track, i'm sad
  18. http://raysubject.dendy.sk/mp3/ray_subject-moonspiders.mp3 enjoy and feel free to write some comments, thanks :-)
  19. great.. ok ill' be waiting for comments
  20. shit.. there was a error in download script at raysubject.dendy.sk, so mp3s was not able to download last one week... i fixed it now, so if somebody tried to download last few days and it doesn't work, now works all fine :-)
  21. great work... great hard atmosphere, this tracks ROCKZ !! if i have heard it at the party, i'd fly to another universe i like the synths, i like melodies ... this tracks are phat, full of energy.. *THUMBS UP*
  22. yeah man, thanks:) i think the right way is to combine best elements from oldskool goa with best elements from newstyle psytrance .... i dislike this "only-progressive-sound-is-right-way-everything-old-is-crap" opinion - there are good elements in progressive tracks, there are good elements in fullon, in experimental and in oldskool goa too... the best way is combine all elements together to enter higher state of mind/music/everything ... let the trance live in our mind 4ever
  23. Ok, downloaded, hear it and here is result : + melodies - they are very good, you make definitely good work + sound - sounds are good too, they are actual + hi-hats - i like when hihats aren't classic 909 ch/oh but sometnig else - exactly as hats in your tracks + oldskool goa feeling - i like tracks wich aren't 100% fullon or progressive - i like this oldskool goa atmosphere as is in your track... - kick drum - i dislike this kick, for me here will be much better classic "hi-ticked" psy drum, it gives more "punchy dancing" atmosphere to tracks, especialy with this 16th ("da da da") bassline ... my suggestion is to replace this kick ;-) - stereo panning - some sound/synths needs to be expanded to stereo, needs some lfo-pan modulation or something else - psy/goa must be wide, there must be some elements moving from left to right, you know, to make more "psychedelic feeling" ;-) - low bass spectrum of track -> try little boost at 60hz and 500hz for bassline, and cca 120 hz for kickdrum (and set volume of kick lower little) - i think track will be sound better with this improvements ... at the end, this isn't excellent track but not bad too.. it sounds good and has good atmosphere, so looking forward for your next tracks :-)
  24. Nice tracks for relaxing and dreaming, fine melodies and atmospheres, good work... My little critics go to absence of any percussive instruments and very standart 909-like hats - try more experiment with little different hi-hats sound, or try some effecting and editing of hi-hats - i think that classic 909 open/close hats aren't soo impresive at present days.. (but this is only my subjective feeling ;-)) But i must say this is definitely one of tracks which are very good to listen and what i like on it is the "oldskool goa" feeling - i LIKE this very much
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