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Everything posted by chans

  1. i have a copy of rebirth 2 but i dont use that 1 at all...i mean theres no need when u have vst emulations like audiorealism bassline u dont need the rb303 and when there's loads of samples available online, u dont need those classic roland drum machines...well thats simply my point of view
  2. it is a kick drumsynth alright,....but since gettin that perfect kick is a very painful part, havin stomper makes it easier...there's absolutely no problem for the hats n stuff coz any hihat sample fits in
  3. try stomper...its a drumsynth hyperion stomper
  4. so the final and ultimate conclusion is that it IS possible to produce psytrance on fruityloops...check out this new track i made on fl :- its called flashback
  5. nice track buddy...nice bassline, nice breaks n i like the intro too...gr8 production overall...keep it up
  6. here's a lil morning psychedelic track i created...its called flashback...the interlude rocks...feel free to comment, suggest and criticise here's the link:flashback
  7. i guess it would be better if ya'll use english
  8. try the followin synths for bass: vb1 linplug albino refx vanguard spectrasonics trilogy moun tau pro novation v-station and btw, there's a very good tutorial on how to make your own bass on the cosmosis homepage
  9. its a nice concept imo this gives a chance for all the new artists...its also helpful coz the number of artists/producers is growin every minute whereas that of the labels is the same...n besides, netlabels dont hesitate to promote ne new artist coz they got nothin to lose
  10. u see, psytrance is a part of the underground scene...so no1 actually gives a f**k whether u use original stuff or cracked/pirated stuff...but however if u r loyal to the genre and really appreciate the effort of the developers of the vsts u use, u can go buy the original stuff...if u have the money that is yeah, even i'm waitin till 1day i become a professional atist and can spend on original software and some decent hardware btw, u MUST try soulseek u can get almost all the top vsts with the suitable crack...when i tried downloading cracks frm crackspider, i couldnt crack the software properly...n besides that, i always had virus and spyware problems as soon as i opened the site
  11. imho, get a sequencer like cubase or fl and rewire it with reason...and also try gettin some vsti's...it will seriously make 1 hell of a powerfull tool...u wont need samples coz u'll be able to create the sound u want..... the iso file is too big to upload dude...seriously, it'll be easier to download the torrent...it may take time but it'll be done
  12. well i did post in the promotional area but didnt get single reply...yeah i'll zip the track and upload by saturday i'm temporarily stayin with my cousins n i go home only on weekends thanks 4 the comments and suggestion ne ways
  13. i dont have a cracked version right now and neither do i have the time coz my exams r comin up...but u can try soulseek...u'll definitely get it there...hope that helped
  14. btw, here's the link:- swarsystems' swarplug vsti
  15. y dont u try swar systems' swar plug ??...it has a huge library of all indian and ethnic instruments, percussion like sitar, flute, tabla etc...etc.....
  16. thank u 4 your comments, well...for this 1 i used, fl5, vb-1, vanguard, albino, synth1, absynth 3, pro53 protoplasm, effem, crystal and discovery
  17. ambient and trippy @ 145bpm...goa style 303ish lead...its called annihilation...hope y'all like it annihilation@sendspace bOOm!!
  18. thanks alot man !!! bOOm!!
  19. i finally finished the track which i'd left incomplete...a total of 2 months...thats the time it took me...since this is my first complete track...need comments/suggestions here's the link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ahljcq] http://www.sendspace.com/file/ahljcq[/url]
  20. well as far as i know, there is little or no delay on the bassline most of the basslines have he fullon pattern which goes like this:- x---x---x---x--- where x is the kick and - is the bass note length is upto u...as i said, never hesitate to experiment...play arnd with note length velocity...and in the above pattern bringin a variation in the notes...that gives it a funky feel...and if u still dont get it, there's and excellent tutorial on the cosmosis homepage....simply go to "ask dr bill" there u'll see the tutorial on the bassline...hope that helped all the best
  21. u can get those albino patches by cosmosis on the cosmosis homepage...heres the link: albino patches there r 2 banks, 1 named 'cosmosis albino patches' and the other named 'cosmosis albino bass patches' well however they aren't perfect sounds...they're meant to be tweaked in some way or the other...so do not hesitate to experiment... happy tweaking!!!
  22. well personally i dont think vb-1 sucks...some ppl just find it irritating coz most of its parameters r hidden...like for example, tweaking the fretboard changes the soundwave, etc...etc...all the professional artists use vb-1 especially in the dark ones...with the perfect eq, u can make those nice crisp sounding basslines like the pros...junglist is pretty good too and also z3ta+ and albino(try the cosmosis albino patches)...as for gettin that perfect bassline in vb-1. TRY THIS(i've posted this b4, but here it goes again): download the bank 'r.u. vb-1' bank and select the preset "trombone??naa.." make a bassline on 2 octaves-the 2nd and 3rd, put the plugin through a parametric equalizer lower the the highest component to 0 followed by the 2nd highest slightly slightly higher and so on...hope that helped
  23. hey y'all, i finally managed to make somethin trippy/psychedelic but its incomplete though, coz my sequencer crashed while i was makin it... i guess i need to change the bassline, need your comments and suggestions and since this is my first,...pls take it easy on the criticism...i'll soon get back to makin this 1 agn.. btw, here's the link : http://www.sendspace.com/file/i61cvz
  24. thanks a lot buddy...that helped a lot...i'm still waitin..when there'll be such a virus emulation that can play virus patches that'd be awesome
  25. hey y'all, i finally managed to make somethin trippy/psychedelic but its incomplete though, coz my sequencer crashed while i was makin it... i guess i need to change the bassline, need your comments and suggestions and since this is my first,...pls take it easy on the critics...i'll soon get back to makin this 1 agn.. btw, here's the link : http://www.sendspace.com/file/i61cvz
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