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Spacedock Records

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Spacedock Records last won the day on October 20 2017

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  1. Here review of Goa Trance Legacy by DJ Psara on her own work and how she see all art that she combine in this compilation. Thank you Psara <3
  2. Thank you all dear people. It is nice to have support like this! <3 We are in the middle of preparation VA Goa Trance Legacy vol.4 which supposed to be published by late winter/early spring 2018 Soon more details
  3. OUT NOW!!! https://spacedockrecords.bandcamp.com/album/sddg12-imba-golden-times-ep
  4. It's OUT my dear people https://spacedockrecords.bandcamp.com/album/sdrcd04-va-goa-trance-legacy-by-dj-psara Soon on other platforms too
  5. Ah noooo, this is pure collab No worries my friend. CDs are on printing process as we speak. Thank you for interest and with respect Yes you are right, and thank you for point that out as we forgot to put in open post. Much appreciated <3
  6. As far as I'm counting it's 5, no? 4 of listed above plus the creator of this VA itself, DJ Psara, a Cronomi DJ
  7. .:::GOA TRANCE LEGACY vol. 3 compiled by DJ PSARA:::.. RELEASE DATE: SEPTEMBER 15, 2017 It is time for THIRD CHAPTER of our series called GOA TRANCE LEGACY which main idea is to bring some fresh tunes from old and new well trained Goa Trance forces on scene. Every track list on VA is selected by the most well educated and super ear trained Goa Trance DJ's from friendly labels, and this time new chapter coming right from DJ PSARA, a Cronomi Records DJ from Lisbon, Portugal. New legacy will bring you 9 outstanding tracks created by super talented and well known artists such as ManMadeMan, Artha, Goasia, M-Run, New Born, Hypnagogia, Technossomy, Ufomatka & Fluorest!!! Enjoy the samples and feel free to be impatient till all tracks arrive on the major digital and CD platforms. Sincerely yours Spacedock Records www.facebook.com/Spacedockrecords and DJ PSARA www.facebook.com/djpsara/ @djanepsara Cover art Sara Constança www.facebook.com/saraconstancaphotography Mastering by Mario Matakovic aka M-Run (excp. track 6) www.facebook.com/Mrunpage Track 6 remastered and arranged by James Monro www.facebook.com/DJJamesMonro/
  8. https://youtu.be/Sag8wU-R4ss p.s. if someone knows howw to set up this link to be visual as youtube video player please do it Thank you
  9. Hey brother T2MU, No matter of kinda review it is, we appreciate your time to spend checking music and then reviewing it. I feel sorry for this EP didn't fulfill your expectations. Goasia actually have those kind of experiments in their production for a while already. Kinda drifting through the styles moment. One of the tracks like that is Tetradotoxin on latest album. Fun fact is that this EP achieved high appreciations from crowd at club events and night time OA performances of Goasia. But it is interesting to hear home environment impressium from ppl who listen to it. Thank you for yours, and as I said, no matter of what type of feeling review carry on, we appreciate effort above all. Everything else is a matter of personal taste. With respect <3
  10. Thank you for your feedback. As for cover art i can understand some point of your view from where you are coming with this conclusion, but in general, front cover art is incomplete without whole font booklet where effect takes moment when you open and read title from different angle, like Psara explain into this video here https://www.facebook.com/Spacedockrecords/videos/911147842300359/ Thank you for your time
  11. Very much appreciate your opinion and looking forward to next <3
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