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Everything posted by Starkraver

  1. Kimi! bodom Anu <3 Hopefully will be meeting oopie in a month or two. Not sure about Anu & Paul, someday may be. Oh yes! Finska <3 indeed!
  2. Starkraver


    Ha ha, now the whole world is evil.
  3. Great review by brother Exotic! A very very very enjoyable album.
  4. people are usually oblivious to their own shit. Its just natural or at least for some to try and wipe others ass when their own ass is covered in shit.
  5. looks like its not available. It would've been nice to own Blue Synergy. I am yet to listen to that part. I absolutely love the Blue Energy!
  6. And Anu Good to see you. I was just listening to Mana Source and was wondering whether I should email you or not, didnt wanna disturb you while reading.
  7. I have heard most of the mixes by Joske, but for me this is his absolute best time and again, I come back to this and time and time again it proves why it's his best. I simply love this, it has the ability to bring happiness even in worse situations. Thanks Joske
  8. Well said & it sounds amazing! & modern. I followed it up with Oforia's new album, which is nice as well but quickly found myself stopping the music :/ bad decision to listen to oforia after this gem
  9. DJ's Anoebis - Ambient & Goa set Paul Eye - Amient to Downtempo to psybreaks Mergi - Whole spectrum of Electronic Music and back to Goa/psy TheTreeTribe - oldschool Goa set Elysium - oldschool Goa set Man With No Name - goa/fullon GoaConstrictor - Experimental, suomi, goa, psy set Artists - The list is long.
  10. KingGoaConstrictor - Real Snow "Winters can be dark and cold, so stay warm and surround yourself with people who love you and make everything more interesting" download here - http://goaconstrictor.com/music/real-snow/
  11. Yes it was. I like the album but I still prefer Circuit breaker. I like divine falsehoods as it comes closest to the style on CB cover is ok.
  12. I was referring to this As of now, I like only one track from this.
  13. "Are you mad bro ? " I like Divine Falsehoods. It is really nice.
  14. I'm in. This is a much needed thread.
  15. How are you planning to ship the posters if not ordered through deluxe version? They look really nice.
  16. Amen to that. Nice album, got it vinyl
  17. Very very good album. I enjoyed listening to this one far more than I did with Miktek - Elsewhere.
  18. Huge fan! Great album this one. Also, isn't it Scandinavian/Norwegian ethnic sound?
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