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Everything posted by Starkraver

  1. kashyyyk In a happy mood Can someone please review Universe A Um compilation.
  2. @Rotwang - ya that might be a one off album. A dude gifted me this and I took out the old cassette player played this: https://plus100.bandcamp.com/album/--3 Weird album. What you think of it?
  3. Thank you I was waiting for someone to review it. Eye to see you is my favourite too. Wonderful track. Yes it does sound a lot like Minilogue than Son kite. I also agree with you that Blomma was slightly better than this. Also, artwork is pretty bad :/ I don't like it. ----- Even after years I'm still mad at myself for backing out from the vinyl crowdfunding! :@ :@ If anyone knows where this vinyl is available for a reasonable price. Please inform me.
  4. Ending with postcard from Goa? Very nice.
  5. Mate, at 18 you'll be bored by everything except for the nasty Given your age, I'm surprised by the amount of time you spend here!!! I remember when I was your age books babes and Buddha's (as AP says ) By 19, the order was completely reversed :lol: You have a great time cheers @Antic - 40? now I feel a bit better Edit - I remember reading an article which said, 40 is the age when you achieve most of your goals. So all is well
  6. Looks interesting thanks Penzoline.
  7. blasphemy!! Its Electra & Alcyone!
  8. Wow! There I was thinking I'm not concentrating enough. It happens almost everyday! Every single day and I go like how the fuck can I mis read a simple word! It really pulls me down. Adding to that, there are many a times that I think of something and then write something else. Again, till now I have blamed it on "my lack of concentration or attention"
  9. I feel , I lack a sense of belongingness in any community I'm part of. I feel, I'm not good enough for to be a part of it. I don't know what to make of it.
  10. little pink elephants!
  11. Ubarpedia is a GEM. (Draeke has written a biiiig review on Discogs, if anyone wants to read)
  12. post 2007 Few albums you MUST check out and decide for yourself are: H.U.V.A Network - Ephemeris Cell - Hanging Masses Solar Fields - Movements , Altered Movements, Until We Meet the sky Sync24 - Comfortable Void Circular - Moon Pool
  13. jikkenteki - simplicity. Couldnt find youtube video. One sweet album. Jikkenteki for sure has his own style.
  14. wtf wtf wtf!! I just spent my money a month ago!!
  15. No effect on memory and stuff.? The easy going attitude kinda creeps in.
  16. why do we like melancholia so much??
  17. 5 euros of savings for 100 days Good luck. Where there is will, there is always a way!
  18. Please ignore the title. Some dickhead tried to put religion into a good conversation with this mystic. It's just a half show. He always has some nice views.
  19. And that justifying plant killing just because they are not sentiment beings is hard for me accept. Killing is f'in killing. No matter what.
  20. Thanks guys! I'm still stuck at that argument. I don't know how to make people understand that cruelty is different. I can't seem to convince myself too. I can categorise few animals as food and be completely oblivious to their pain and death. And not tolerate even a small stone being thrown at others. But that's not fair! How can I differentiate! Even the legendary line of "it's ok to eat fish cause they don't have feelings" is not right. If you have an aquarium at home you would know. How ferociously a mum defends her newborns against other fishes. If that's not a feeling then what is. But we have to kill to survive. but doesn't mean that I can go chop a tree in half just for the heck of it. Is it the same as killing puppies? When I think of this whole thing in the sense of life of every being. I should NOT own any wooden furniture, I shouldn't eat anything other than fruits and grains(?) in short I should stop any/ever activity that puts another life at risk. I would really appreciate if you guys can share more of your views or point me to some place. I need to calm myself down.
  21. Very good stuff indeed. Couple of nice tracks. Elusive CD!!!! :/
  22. You like the 2015 edition of jelly fish? And random Friday is very sweet. May be someday you'll like it I think you are right, passages was OK. Good thing you pointed at Scroll Side album. I wonder why it's not "famous" , it also has the lowest ratings of all Ultimae albums.
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