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Wise old ones
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Everything posted by tbe

  1. To "mE" : It's not important if it's goa or not...most important is it's good music.. I like Atmos !! ( and BTW, Germany too :-)
  2. I would prefer a live act and pay more... But I have to admit I like big parties with a lot of peoples ! In Paris, small parties with unknown DJs : 15 euros, big parties with live acts : 20/23 euros. (In the rest of France : between 7,5 and 15 euros)
  3. tbe

    Osmose 2001

    Osmose is organised by the 2 best and most famous french parties organisations ( trancebody and gaia) Trancebody organise psychedelic parties since 1989 !! All their parties are great...and big ( neither underground of course, but nor cheese ) I think they expect 5000 peoples...happy goa peoples usually. Last year, there was Delta, infected mushroom, vibrasphere...and the year before..total eclipse, raja ram, hux flux if I remember well. You can go there without any doubt.. :-)
  4. tbe

    Nord Lead 2

    et en euros ?
  5. tbe

    info on zorba?

    That is what I call great music... open your mind, guy.... :-)
  6. what french island ?
  7. don't agree..it doesn't sound the same ! I like very much as old X-dream stuff as new stuff...
  8. t'es le vrai saidu ?
  9. tbe

    BPM Lists?

  10. tbe

    BPM Lists?

    hey ! yours answers are very usefull !!!!!!!!!!!!!! it exist a web site with BPM for old goa tracks...I will tell you as soon I have found it.
  11. nice !
  12. Hallucinogen - twisted X-dream - trip to transylvania Shpongle - tale of the inexpressible
  13. save virus babies !! don't kill' em !! ;-)
  14. Yes Tatsu ! I was writting the same " Zorba - the rush" !! also.. S-range - reality check
  15. Sorry, it's bad joke I made one year ago on this forum... just to remember good ol' days !!!!!!!!! :-)
  16. tbe

    Asura is back

    that's a good news ! The first album was very interesting... I hope Asura will make some lives...a lot of people would like to hear them live !
  17. de rien !
  18. graham wood is Simon postford in real...
  19. tbe


    )))) funny !
  20. he he ! Elysium ! I'm on a Mac too... we're so safe with MacOS ! ))
  21. Koh pangang, Thailand !
  22. tbe


  23. call her wendy because walter doesn't exist no more...
  24. Single Cell 2 (Atomic) Tracklist: 1 Slinky Wizzard : Hit & Run (Bus "Fuzzy Disco" Remix) 2 Nucleus : Hovercraft 3 Menis : Loading Up the Freeway 4 Lasziv : Basement 5 Morphem : Hypnotone (John 00 Fleming Remix) 6 Man With No Name : Revenge 7 NTSX : Wicked 8 Updata : Creepa 9 Slinky Wizzard : Hit & Run (Purple & Ronan "System" Remix)
  25. I agree..It's hard to find such good music..
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