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Wise old ones
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Everything posted by tbe

  1. yes excellent track. ...and we're waiting for the live in Belgium !!!
  2. tbe

    Paris France

    there is a club called Le Gibus but if you prefer real parties go to www.trance-culture.com or www.trance-goa.com : there is agendas here. Or you can check flyers at the shop " techno import "
  3. Ordered at Dragonfly one or two years ago.. it's a redirection of recordstore.co.uk.. 1week and 1/2 for shipping from UK to France.
  4. never had troubles ( I live in france).. I'm afraid that come from MX post.
  5. ça faisait longtemps qu'il n' y avait pas eu de post en francais ici ;-)
  6. on va dire tout le courant progressif morning : S-range, vibrasphere, Ticon.. certains tracks de Phony orphants, Antix, Son kite aussi.
  7. Talamasca, OTT, MWNN, Silicon Sound, Protoculture, Vibrasphere.... my favorites albums of this year 2003. Some others goods : Native Radio, Phony Orphants, Ethereal, GMS rmx, S-range,...
  8. tbe


    where are they now?
  9. Shame to Samothraki ! X-dream without Marcus is nothing. They should have say : Jan (X-dream) Vs Arne (spirallianz)
  10. a new album will be release by Dragonfly in 2004
  11. I'm not sure this shop is still open...
  12. any infos about the tracklisting ?
  13. yes, Talamasca is probably the best french artist.
  14. Japan close to thailand ??? should study geography more ;-)
  15. info needed please.... :-p - - -
  16. www.x-dream-music.com or their label website... gplusrecords.com
  17. go to www.gaiaconcept.com
  18. tbe

    Why KoxBox ??

    Koxbox music is so good... " no feeling, no mélodies ".... I think you're joking !!
  19. maybe, they will sold more albums with Solstice than Etnicanet... TBE ( the real one ;-)
  20. viva espana... ;-)
  21. Thanks for this information !
  22. Rate : 9,5... He released 3 albums... 3 very very good albums. I think he's the best israeli psytrance producers now.
  23. what about a re release of X-dream, trip 2 transylvania ?
  24. Does someone know psytrance related spot in Bali ? Is there so psytrance parties there ? Thanks !
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