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Wise old ones
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Everything posted by tbe

  1. tbe

    simon is....

    Yes Bioman is something.....not very insteresting ! :-)
  2. tbe

    Blue Room

    Alien project ?
  3. tbe

    CDs in France

    Yes, 5 minute walking
  4. tbe

    CDs in France

    There is only 2 goa CD shops in Paris : Techno import and the FNAC champs elysee But you will only find new stuff !
  5. yes, that's my favourite track too...best track of the month, for sure :-)
  6. mucho caro, noxi...
  7. pfffffff....let people think what they want.. if we want to call one guy, god we will do... He's god, He's god, He's god, He's god, He's god, He's god, He's god, He's god, He's god, He's god, He's god, He's god, He's god, He's god, He's god, He's god, He's god, He's god, :-))) Anyway, there will not be live album
  8. bou ! c'est toi mad on t'a reconnu !
  9. where ist it ?
  10. who ist it ?
  11. tbe

    plur 3.....

    12X :-))
  12. you can try buying CDs ;-)
  13. tbe

    Tankyou Seb

    oh, that's nothing...!
  14. It looks like a third Delta album ;-) BTW, I heard some of the tracks and it's awesome !
  15. send me a mail with you credit card number, your name and your secret password ;-)
  16. i think psytrance is light, plur, fluoro..and so on..
  17. This cd will be released the 4 march. And yes, that's a great news ! His first album was a pure killer !
  18. Toires is back with a new album called Salam..!!
  19. of course I'm serious !!! Do you think I'not abebeubeule to be serious ??
  20. Mad Vs Elisium....une baston une baston une baston ;-)))
  21. why do you sell it ?
  22. ben oui un Macintosh c'est pas un vulgaire ordinateur, c'est quelque chose de vivant presque émouvant !
  23. And with a Pc you make pro music with a Sound Blaster ??? :-D :-))))) :->>>>>
  24. For music Mac is the best of course.. It's weird to make music on a PC I think...
  25. It's Miranda ! :-D
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