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frozen dream

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Everything posted by frozen dream

  1. dunno, the skip when changing track kinda annoys me sometimes
  2. yesterday he (filteria) put on my myspace he probably won't release chaotic-om :/ (ever??) maybe if we create one big collective nag we could force him to do it!
  3. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=agneton+stryder&search_type=&aq=f some more nitzo music
  4. yea i read something about a second one too somewhere ...
  5. i think i got it figured out: darkpsy : the new heavy metal fullon : the new eighties newschool : the new fullon
  6. protoculture - digital world classic one of my favourite producers of all time
  7. http://www.sendspace.com/file/8o2vtw track 11.
  8. looking forward!!!! ur da master of tha rainforest!!!
  9. alright, the main track is updated again, it's very nice again! http://rapidshare.com/files/317781150/Lapsus_-_Testikulus__Test_Fase_2_.mp3 snarling evil with floating melodies
  10. download the final version of "The Hyperwarp" here! http://rs38.rapidshare.com/files/317728433/Lapsus_-_Hyperwarp__Final_.mp3
  11. the above track is already updated to a longer and more supakilla version! and enjoy a new track "The Hyperwarp" from nicolas right here, prepare for this one! it's a wicked humouristic mad carnival ride into the mouth of hell, makes me thinks of gms back in the day somewhere, you just gotta love the level of insanity/humour in his music!
  12. hiya, thought i'd share this with you since it such an enjoyable piece, a track by lapsus! not finished and named yet but a very mystique and entrancing bit of music! lapsus' style is the combination of the oriental and deep mystique from the likes of etnica with the powerful chaotic madness of filteria! enjoy it! http://rapidshare.com/files/317781150/Lapsus_-_Testikulus__Test_Fase_2_.mp3 lapsus is nicolas from the city of mechelen in belgium and plays the piano since he was small and now makes goa trance! check out his other stuff on http://www.electrobel.be/artist/5748 peace out
  13. nah i wasn't, check out this!!!
  14. http-~~-//www.youtube.c...h?v=hyJx5VU4vD8 ---
  15. http-~~-//www.youtube.c...h?v=V9zDj9rDq9E http-~~-//www.youtube.c...h?v=x2DKl7oqnpU
  16. there's some words on the idea behind this mix here: http://blogs.myspace.com/stryderq any comments out there?
  17. cool gotta check out all of 'em
  18. are you being sarcastic here? if so the mods will detect it
  19. cool! it's finally getting released! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sc2j5JudX9g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwcVd3Usnn0
  20. Yumade - When You Smile To The Cows
  21. wrong, it's Waking Life!
  22. woohoo thanks for the 32bit!!! i love dohm's stuff!!!
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