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frozen dream

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Everything posted by frozen dream

  1. 303 with the highs cutoff and lots of res is teh sex! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5W7VnmzBsjw
  2. lol its that woman in her cardboard house on the cliffside
  3. CD will die along with common sense :drama:
  4. damn some nice tracks in here! loved hearing the grobians track in the end! you gotta send me the track playing at 1h15'! :posford: i'd like to play that one sometime!
  5. never
  6. Click the picture to find infos & download on my myspace blog or skip to the download page. Enjoy!!!
  7. sounds like gutt psywurst to me i want to hear that first track live :posford: when???
  8. that's all
  9. ive been lolling and lmaoing ever since i downloaded that smashing the opponent song i don't think it's THAT terrible but it sure is funny in a very uncompromising way infected, they did it or should i say YES WE CAN *chuckles*
  10. damn, track 3 probability tree from this album -> one of the best of this year!
  11. did he feel embarrassed for filming or was the dj one ugly motherfucker? it could b 1200 mics
  12. those are the freaking worst! i had some many experiences with this stuff and still i rather ignore them exploring possibilities is more interesting than chasing facts (aka rationalize)
  13. in a frenzy again are we
  14. sure i believe its all big shit
  15. where the fuck did u get lobotomized or were you raised by wolves? http://www.psp-designs.net/Extra/mp3/mp3wav.htm lol!
  16. yeah i forgot to mention they always seem to appear on the same compilations, but you pointed it out very nicely, ima look for survival of teh trippest 3 spanx
  17. something's wrong with this file... it's only 82 mb large and when i try to unpack it, it says no files are inside...
  18. ^ this + less catchy melodies in this one, the last track is very nice though
  19. they haven't got many songs out... which ones are worth finding out... (if they are at all) any comments, infos, gossip ? what kind of approach they have to psytrance? thanks for your input
  20. you bet nigga aren't you talking about soma there?
  21. L.S.G. - The Hidden Sun Of Venus (Oliver Lieb Remix) whoever posted this on here, kudos to him/her! it'll be in my sets soon!
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