damn some nice tracks in here! loved hearing the grobians track in the end!
you gotta send me the track playing at 1h15'! :posford: i'd like to play that one sometime!
ive been lolling and lmaoing ever since i downloaded that smashing the opponent song
i don't think it's THAT terrible but it sure is funny in a very uncompromising way
infected, they did it
or should i say
those are the freaking worst!
i had some many experiences with this stuff and still i rather ignore them
exploring possibilities is more interesting than chasing facts (aka rationalize)
yeah i forgot to mention they always seem to appear on the same compilations, but you pointed it out very nicely, ima look for survival of teh trippest 3
they haven't got many songs out... which ones are worth finding out... (if they are at all)
any comments, infos, gossip ?
what kind of approach they have to psytrance?
thanks for your input