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frozen dream

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Everything posted by frozen dream

  1. some people just lack the balls to live :drama:
  2. unrlsd murda trance bootleg only sold to minor handicapees :drama: however on topic, i feel it is a good thing to remind yourself and others where you are coming from.
  3. sheesh, at least we have pictures on the dutch forum
  4. we should call it "MEGA GOA SPAGHETTI" that would definitely solve the issue for me
  5. sombodi please sended me as well pls tracks edit: NO MP3S WTF QRLY
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-DmelAY4Ig
  7. smartelectronix = recommended using all of them
  8. auch sold me a misprint, i put bad comment stating that he surely didnt know (can't expect good feedback from selling somebody a misprint but it can happen right) he offers a 20 euros discount on a next purchase (the amount of money i got ripped off) but then arranges with his discogs buddies to have my negative feedback removed. (maybe he worked his words around to get it as 'unjustified feedback' or something, i've never received any words from any moderator so it must be a personal influence he has.) a next pm with the offered discount of course never came. users like sualk are a disgrace to discogs. he also proposed before to trade some rare comp i had against an unr cdr, smelled pretty fishy to me...
  9. sonic youth
  10. way nice, thx ricardo. looking forward to hearing your live-set, chances are i might play there as well.
  11. well crap my noodle that's a nice picture
  12. somebody threw doodoo at obama! domestic - perception trasher (96-98 somewhere) & echotek - forever nights (2006) also masaray - time traveller (1995 or what?) & psygasus - the sea is dying (2006-7 something) vaguely similar
  13. when are we hearing influences in your work? :clapping:
  14. rip dvd audio to mp3, rip youtube to mp3, rip the whole internet to mp3, download miscellaneous samples on miscellaneous foreign websites (wade through exotic languages), walk around with my camera and sneaky record conversations of unknown people on the train or anywhere in public (once had a crazy one of an african ranting to his wife in african!! batiré me genge!!! - now: lost ) latest thing im gonna try is recording gameplay audio from videogames through audacity or sumtn, dunno if it'll work properly but i have some awesome shootemups with nice audio dialogues i'd like to see ripped. i also recorded n64 audio once just through the rca out on the scart cable, should retry that sometime
  15. every twelve year old's wet dream! sly! :drama:
  16. aa deutsch, wieder so herd!!! was ist dem ersten lied?
  17. cool track don't like the wide bassriff though
  18. awesome no-brainers!
  19. pretty mellow and shallow but it does the trick fo sho.
  20. yeah they never take any drugs. ever.
  23. make sure you buy a big bottle of lube when it gets there
  24. 150 euros for ifo brand new and don't regret it. the one i regret the most was ubar tmar - fusion for like 40 euros and also 40 euros for a misprint of the independence trance revival (thanks again!) :( also koxbox - dragon tales for 40 euros hurts a bit when i see it on my shelf and i got all the rare albums for free or trading, but they're far less good than anything i bought myself :posford: nicest deal was lunar civilization ep for free
  25. singing baldfucks and guitars baby!!! don't forget the towel!!!
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