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frozen dream

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Everything posted by frozen dream

  1. neo trance is slightly purer (couldn't resist) neo=new new=new oldskool=newskool dude it's all the same!!!
  2. new artists inspired by the old sound
  3. haha i once met an idm poser bitch, that was jolly fun! check out this guy: icteder if you like his music, send him money.
  4. i've seen some energetic acid monsters at the neo goat ranch in our asylum.
  5. bluetech - prayers for rain (j.viewz remix)
  6. MGMT! :posford: mentioned in a general psytrance thread!
  7. he upload new version henceforth R.I.P. sync error
  8. i love it other amazing old tracks by them: american pussy, drug enthusiasm, special places, play the game, ecstasy of revelations, liberation!!!!! they make BIG CRAP since the split.
  9. i loved that sync error. R.I.P.
  10. feck, rly good track!
  11. clearly there are try this for intelligent psy : youma - centipede.ogg it's like listening deviant species :posford:
  12. horror movie soundtracks or check out Bp0lar
  13. aahh the deviant :posford: goeie sounnnnnd hebde al genoeg voor ne live set?
  14. aren't they going to release etnica unrlsd tracks as well?
  15. ahh, reporting an avatar problem are we? don't know if you guys have been trying to fix it yet (greatly appreciated), but it's still there. with the weird message ormion put.
  16. yeah where buddy? i flamed the living daylights out of you and i never saw anything though i repeatedly asked for it (not from you bobby) (i also remember you told me there where only mp3s to master, at which point i said no actually - what about this then??), what we did get was one original track who sounded way better. i've again offered to help this time, but again they've got other plans. so really, if you guys feel like paying 500 euros while it is not needed, be my guest. i had two of those today, ghaha! though the advertised "magicalness" was hugely overrated!
  17. chill: leaving the known i awake & planet boelex goa: from the heart afgin and for some reason, i do feel like typing PALNET BOELEX palnet, really, makes so much sense. MAKE SO MUCH SENSE
  18. so many good trcks by them, but i do prefer the prophecy to many of their old actually, better style. gotta play that track soon, partyppl really seem to lose it on that tune, including me.
  19. some evil world regime erase transdimensional from your memory
  20. bought a dedicated bottle of champagne for the fabled re-reopening
  21. i tested different cds and it did sound very good on other monitors, yes.
  22. phutureprimitive - ape to angel
  23. no wav too bad
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