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frozen dream

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Everything posted by frozen dream

  1. +anybody who yaps about the mastering is some sunday fool
  2. ifo+train to chroma city :posford: the melodies like in all etnica songs just come as they go, no fancy structures, never. on this point, train to chroma city is a bit better. but it worxxxx :posford: mad party music made with only that intent vimana, floating universe, elektra, asterope!!! yaaa goaaaa :posford: :posford: :posford:
  3. yeah i forgot, or call ghostbusters héhé
  4. i wonder how much i would pay for hallucinogen - gamma goblins (infected mushroom remix) lossless a freakin' lot i bet
  5. just put the goddamn reverb volume down at the end of your loop??? get a brain, start wondering. and bouncing=rendering=exporting another technique to get rid of your problem would be rendering the reverbed sound, and just using that wave as end for your track, instead of having your software calculating the movements on your fx and screwing up with that loop crap. never had a tail from the end of my song play in the start...
  6. or get sponsorship
  7. five bucks for six mp3s don't that shit hurt?
  8. i just had a salad from the fridge
  9. those stereoskids on the hats when a climax hits are totally genius! (feelings track)
  10. what was he playing?
  11. haha - cool mix!
  12. c'est le dado, c'est le dudu
  13. they dont care shit about their old music and only play shit music
  14. exactly 20 hours ago i was playing all of these in front of 200 ppl and they all loved it! (party with agneton live and ephedra live) highlight was of course psycho, played during nightfall, such an intense trip! next week: virtuel vojege +1
  15. all except filteria
  16. lsd dub mix, can't get it outta my head, even when i turn it off
  17. yea sure, ease up guy cohen's job coolalbumbestbuynorly, fav tracks 1, 1 & 1 +1
  18. i usually don't fancy bitchin'
  19. :posford:
  20. sure thing! its not in this vid but we played 170 as well and its still doable, 180 is a different story though
  21. ahueboooo hehe terror music man!! :posford: many trippy sounds!!
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