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frozen dream

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Everything posted by frozen dream

  1. they all just don't deliver i'll return to the shawdos
  2. yeah i know that pwnz 2 --- daft punk - around the world (sesto sento remix)
  3. who am i to disagree?
  4. you don wanna be the odd stinky out. just a matter of time before somebody dropped teh "trilogy" :wank: just use any synth, use a single saw or sine wave (any shape u fancy tbh), some eq boos n cut on the parts (you want) (it needs), sub it with waves rbass or some subsynth, or don't and emphasize some lower freq with an equalizer, maybe some more filtering, might wanna cut the highs a bit or the mid-highs, it all depends like always in music, some extra stereo centering perhaps, and ur done! microtonic vst is easy for generating simple waveforms! but really, you can use any synth for this.
  5. one of their better, honesly i rly liek this trek this one is way worse imo depeche underworld mode :kill:
  6. infected mushroom - the intricate psychedelic arboretics beat hackers - the raw and brutal psychedelics
  7. you better not Dl it all on yourself!
  8. maybe from the cosmosis - psychedelica melodica album?
  9. annie lennox pooing on your front lawn :posford:
  10. cool! shpongly! me wanna know!
  11. uh god is that even music total sickness, how fitting
  12. fertmechine v.01
  13. Stryder is made out of cookies!

  14. good ol' jon with the eagle-eyed sharp look harrr! :posford::posford::posford::posford::posford::posford::posford::posford::posford::posford: shillergh kanti boom ace you mean 1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1 me dances to the nothing :posfrut: --- norly, one of the most essential in goaland<--
  15. yeah well smooth for you since i sent you an impeccable record with a jewelcase, mint in every way, still sealed in the plastic what i got from you are pretty shabby covers without jewel case, the disc is luckily near mint, but it has lots of minor surface scuffs. you could have communicated with me that it wasn't in perfect state and you weren't sending a casing along. the fact that i do not specifically ask you for a description does not justify you not telling me about the state of the covers nor not shipping a jewel case, i know you told me last time that you weren't sending one, but this time you didn't mention anything about that so i assumed you where sending one since that's the general way no? you trade the whole cd as well as the casing. i know its easy to make a shabby trade and then whine about what went wrong afterwards but i feel you deliberately left out infos about this cd, or i took too much things for granted again since our last trade that i forgot to bother this time. when i offer a mint disc for trade i except a mint disc back, otherwise it should be communicated. no more psyhoe for me i think
  16. you said it
  17. isn't it also a trend that people don't have any kind (well, a sample would be the normal) of direction or clue these days yet still put up a thread aaa aa aaa yea good luck finding it 2 U MATE!!! dis killlergh trex goin liek dis: "aaa ooo ee" tudu dudududu dududu tudu para paowwwwiiiiii tziiiioongggg pam pam pis tu kaa tu te kaa "hallucinogen - demention" obviously! actually there comes a track to my mind which starts with gated ah vocals -> didrapest vs ? vs ? - full power rly cool poppy fullon track!
  18. i liek it you call me over and you play your game :posford: 'cause everything you do is just to kick in my brain-a :posford: it's pop, but pop can be good :posfrut:
  19. funny thing is you put up a high price, allow offers, and everybody offers like half isn't the offer option for trading..?? (i assumed...) that decline button already had it with me still, sold and bought some gems for way too high prices so yay for discogs! :drama:
  20. infected mushroom - over mode
  21. gms - snorkel blaster rmx :sopford:
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