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frozen dream

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Everything posted by frozen dream

  1. bogeys at twelve..
  2. i've been told that the uncompressed wave files are unretrievable...
  3. some new stuff to come soon!
  4. too bad a better mastering won't be possible...
  5. what did kob stand for again? e: ah, kind of behaviour nice!
  6. i made a smashing master version of filteria - navigate 2007 live mix and i'm playing it in germany in three weeks
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-kzX950okg --- dickster and lucas - living dangerously
  8. just listening second time, I really like it! fairly agree with jon cocco, last track reminded me of lunar civilization!! 6/10
  9. almost through the album now, only track i somewhat didn't like was Sucker Unit, the high bleeps really ruins the consistency of the sounds in the track. the breakbeat/chill tracks are very nice and psychedelic, had flashes back to the mystery of the yeti now listening visitors, sounds pretty cheesy, just like sucker unit did. they have nice tribal sounds for bangs and build ups but combined with these cheesy saws and stupid basslines it gets pretty clownesque. then again, i bet they had a great time making this album as there's a very joyous and funny feeling created throughout the tracks with even a light magical and enchanting touch to it. in terms of production these guys did pretty well and mastering is very subtle yet breathes perfectly out on the right moments! conclusion: pretty nice chill out tracks in here added up with funny british full on clownesque tribal trance 6/10, favs: 1, 5, 6, 7 and like said before: everybody is entitled to their own onion!
  10. perty nice album, tractor beam plays now, very nize chillz! has some daft tracks too though.
  11. they only had very few good tracks to me, but those very few are very good!!
  12. what about the children
  13. ~love is psychedelic~
  14. master of all accept the fact that you are mortal, and you will live forever
  15. see there you have it
  16. ftp://ftp.psychedelic.be/psymix/stryder_-...-05-07_192k.mp3
  17. vote for me! ftp://ftp.psychedelic.be/psymix/stryder_-...-05-07_192k.mp3
  18. this is good club trance if u ask me, makes u feel light to the head! heh! http://www.myspace.com/suntriprecords shakta is pretty damn nice actually and the E-Mantra is like WOW!!!!!
  19. :posford: in the end we go bang!
  20. well there you have it see
  21. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychedelic
  22. the piece from 3:20 untill 6 minutes something is indeed unbelievable, cuts the line between regular trance and psy so well, 100% the style i'm looking for... not many have done a job so well done in the past... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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