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frozen dream

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Everything posted by frozen dream

  1. and here we are again with some OLDSKOOL vibes...: ShaPeSHifTerS III MATN's BIRTHDAY & our 1 year shapeshifters celebration party!!! DJ's first time in belgium! SCOOFY(hu) http://www.myspace.com/scoofyaudio http://scoofy.psysector.com first time in belgium! SNAG(hu) http://www.myspace.com/snaghungary Psygasus downtempo psytrance with live guitar and live vocals! psytek oldskool/suomi ah-téhla oldskool/nitzo agneton oldskool/nitzo stryder oldskool psy-mush vs laurentius oldskool Javi oldskool
  2. i have it in mp3 and i like most tracks and the overall creepy feeling, but yeah, to today's standards this isn't something special anymore...
  3. lol
  4. beast sytrus imp.oscar
  5. we humans, we do pretty much what we like
  6. ur one helluvan straydog if you go to goa parties and dont dance and personally i dont even think when im dancing, i just like getting into the music and the movements come all by itself, the madder the music the heavier the dance gets TANDAVA!
  7. ti ti ti ru ti tu (shifts octave higher) ti ti ti ru tiiii tuuu?
  8. no, dual brothers i think they're called and they were on mexico's gangsta label kuira recs which probably got torn down since 2005 so every trace has been missing since then...
  9. man, back in the day, i mustve been 15 or something, when i just started to dj, tunes like shiva chandra - shaktivalha, shiva shidapu - vertigo, infected mushroom - acid killer woaa we went so hard on that stuff and most people at the places were i spun those tracks didnt even like em
  10. thats the one! which track is this one then, i'm sure you know which one i'm talking about, especially with the tii tuu the two last tones are stretched i can't find any samples
  11. i think i have that track on a cd i just bought (for kabalah) can't wait i vaguely remember it but kabalah and bony incus cloud my memory of it and i do think it maia that's bene sticking in my head since shapeshifters II is maia the one with the constant melody? ti ti ti re ti te (shifts octave higher) ti ti ti re ti tiii tuuu, that one?
  12. i know he exists, can't find him anywhere anyone knows more? he's a fullon artist, presumably from israel.. thankyous!
  13. donkey kong trance
  14. haha i'm visiting the graveyard today actually let's all think of dead people!
  15. http://www.electrobel.be/muzik/18361/Halloween it has something electro-ish, something proggish darkish, and maybe something vaknig
  16. HA!
  17. HA
  18. Astralasia - Seven By Seven (Incl Salt Tank Mixes) (1997)
  19. *
  20. ant i alzo can dou tirkcs wiht my daug
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