Try to post only the ones that really stick, as in STICK.
Like after many, many (many, many) years you still think it's one of the best evARGH!
next one:
Yahel & I-Zen - Waves of Sound (Edit) (Full On vol. 4 - track 3 - February 2000)
now THIS song is something special, so gentle and mysterious in builds up, so elegant in composition and melody. The screechy sound effects feel as if they are legendary birds communicating with you from a parallel universe. Some climaxes come quite unexpected and the established formula of nowadays full-on is far from present. (thank god ) The whole structure of the song is far out of the conventional and the melodies are so intricate they can easily make me cry or lift me up if I truly let them sink in to the core. Never has a song been so beautiful and true to some kind of unearthy, mystic inspiration. Like a mythic tale being told across time.
To me this must be truly THE track of my life. It fits any meaningful mood and renders anything else to waste within the first listening minute.
All of this could as well be applied to The Messenger, but this track just gets it by 2 square inches.
If anybody knows anything similar to this (The Messenger - Acid Killer - Waves of Sound(Edit)) please state it heeere!!!