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frozen dream

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Everything posted by frozen dream

  1. you're right, thanks for pointing it out! dynamic is a duo from israel and mekkanikka is a spaniard
  2. of course everyones view of cheesy differs, but how I see it, it's over the top melodies, too happy, too bright... like domestic's new album, although i think there were 2-3 tracks i liked some goes for vibe tribe - wise cracks, nice attempt, but just one inch too far (although dream catcher i like, the piano! :drama:)
  3. i liked Can You Pick Me Up and Take A Look Out There very, very much! but Balloonatic pt.1 makes me puke, honestly (except lazy beam) balloonatic pt.2 i like a little bit better, but nowhere near his first two albums... :/ when is pt.3 out? and does anybody have a HQ of his track 'Enjoy'
  4. we have loads of oldskool parties here in belgium, right now i'm uploading the videos of the last one were I played. Goa Tranz roxors teh boxors :posford: and I have many friends with whom I'm producing new goa trance so be prepared you lot! the revival of the whole scene will come from Belgium! Hare hare Mahadev Om Namah Shivaya reading this thread gave me a craving of Masaray - Time Traveller of Trance :drama: and don't forget Afgin and the lot from israel! suntrip ftw!
  5. my point being the kind of psytrance which started with eskimo on balloonatic and spread out to many other artists, all containing the same kind of synthsounds and glitches/stutters, and even total song structure usually. artists who's style applies to this: eskimo(uk) 220 V(brazil) bliss(israel) painkiller(spain) dynamic(israel) void(portugal) cycle sphere(israel) mekkanikka(spain) ... hmm can't remember all of them but there were a few more it seems like eskimo handed out some presets to all of these guys and they just started to imitate him, if you just get a few songs off all of the above it easily shows... also their sound quality and feel is very similar, maybe there could be just one producer behind the scenes who takes care of all the producing and they just go play it live just to make a statement about it nobody ever noticed?
  6. to me they are the undisputed kings of cheese since, let's say, 2003-2004, everything before was quite nice! and they still have the odd hit out like most cheese-scientists
  7. this classy idm-ish track
  8. pfoeeh Pavel saved me from putting them all in the list
  9. there is no audible difference between 320 kbps mp3 and wav 1411 kbps!
  10. :lol:
  11. i remember playing a 96 kbps ken ishii song at my first party I threw and the crowd went insane!
  12. the other day i was listening to this unreleased remix of vibe tribe to space cat's The Purist and I thought; man how bad can things get? within the latest 3-4 years there is an immense drop in inventiveness and we see the same boring structures return all the time in psytrance. artists who score good points in cheesiness: G.M.S.(they still have the odd hit once and again though) Freaked Frequency Onyx Time Lock X-Noize vibe tribe ananda shake sesto sento bizzare contact ... will continue this list please use this thread to highlights the most cheesiest of psytrance songs you come across, a good warner to you all
  13. can't wait to hear more and from donkey shot!!!!
  14. uhhh u guys would'nt believe this, a psy remix of the carmina burana theme by wizzy noise these men are wanted dead! NOW!!!
  15. looking good, I'll review this sometime soon.
  16. psynews is going nowhere! :drama:
  17. rogue bagel sounds like deep penetration of sexy woman or even better, sexy woman rubbing herself on to you in very sincere manner :lol:
  18. nice work, though i wouldn't consider this a professional release, some tracks really crackle repetetively!
  19. shpongle n esp and one i already enjoyed much today bizzare contact & phanatic though they suck separate mostly u-recken & bizzare contact something visual paradox & hallucinogen LOST BUDDHA & MINDSPHERE
  20. what brand? wait lemme guess... 'Duvel'
  21. yea great promo! stylish concept as wel, the pictures + the music! where were those pics taken? i'd love to go there!
  22. @ eshu's funny english writing
  23. 1. take the sample, eq out the voice as best as you can, leaving all the music and noises you don't want as audible as possible 2.flip the phase on this worked piece of audio 3.add this file (in a separate track best) to the original file and export et voila! PING!
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